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Question 1: A) Identify various types of resources that can usefully be shared in computer networks. Give examples of their...

Question 1: A) Identify various types of resources that can usefully be shared in computer networks. Give examples of their sharing as it occurs in distributed systems. [5] B) Discuss briefly key challenges that one needs to address in the design and development of distributed applications. [5] Question 2: A) Discuss peer-to-peer architectural model for construction of distributed systems. [5] B) Identify main types of security threats that might occur in the Internet with an example. [5] Question 3: A) Discuss difference between TCP/IP and UDP protocols for Socket-based communication. [5] B) Write a multithreaded Java program that responds to remote clients’ requests for meaning of words stored in a Dictionary. If a client program sends a message “King” to the server, the server program responds back with the meaning of word “King” by retrieving it from the dictionary (as a string). Use Java Sockets for communication between clients and the server. [5] Question 4: A) Write a simple CORBA program that demonstrates the invocation of remote object services. For example, when a client sends a message “Hello”, the server responds with “Hi There!”. [5] B) Write a simple RMI program that demonstrates the invocation of remote object services. For example, when a client sends a message “Ping”, the server responds with “Pong”. [5] Question 5: A) Discuss important operating systems services that are essential for supporting the development of concurrent and scalable distributed systems. [5] B) Discuss architecture of Layered operating system. Comment on how well it supports the development of extensible operating systems. [5] Question 6: A) Discuss techniques for achieving high-performance in distributed file systems. [5] B) Discuss model architecture of distributed file system and its components. [5] Question 7: A) Discuss asymmetric (public/private key pair-based) cryptography technique and how it can be used in supporting security in distributed systems. [5] B) Discuss secure socket layer (SSL) architecture and its components. [5] Question 8: A) Discuss the role of naming services in distributed systems. List two navigation schemes that can be used for name resolution in domain name systems. [5] B) Discuss operation of a typical domain name server (DNS) with suitable example. [5] 

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