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Question 1 The Battle of the Nile was fought between: the French and the Egyptian armies. the French and the British navies. the British and the...

Question 1

The Battle of the Nile was fought between:

the French and the Egyptian armies.

the French and the British navies.

the British and the Egyptian armies.

the French and the British armies.

Question 2

By 1880, Egypt's finances were under the dual control of:

Turkey and Albania.

Egypt and France.

England and France.

Egypt and England.

Question 3

Who among the following did not form part of Muhammad Ali's army?

The Albanians.

The Sudanese.

The Mamluks.

The Egyptians.

Question 4

At the Battle of Dogali, Johannes successfully defended Ethiopia from:

the Egyptians.

the French.

the British.

the Italians.

Question 5

Which of the following statements is not true of the French occupation of Egypt in the beginning of the nineteenth century?

It marked the beginning of French domination of Egypt for many years to come.

It laid the foundations of Egyptology.

It marked the starting point of the rivalry between England and France in Egypt.

It laid the foundation for a modern civil administrative system instead of a feudal system.

Question 6

The policy promoted by the British in Africa during the early nineteenth century by which one European nation would not interfere with the trading rights of another was the:

non-interference policy.

fair trade policy.

even trade policy.

free trade policy.

Question 7

The first European to provide a first-hand account of Timbuktu was:

Mungo Park.

Rene Caille.

James Bruce.

Richard Burton.

Answer: b

Question 8

The person responsible for naming the African lake "Victoria" was:

John Hanning Speke.

James A. Grant.

Richard Burton.

Henry Morton Stanley.

Question 9

The main commodity that the National African Company traded in was:



palm oil.


Question 10

Togo, Kamerun and South West Africa came under the control of:

the British.

the French.

the Dutch.

the Germans.

Question 11

Lewanika signed the concession agreement offered by Lochner because:

he wanted help in warding off the Ndebele.

he wanted to develop the literacy and technical skills of his people.

he was tempted by the annual payment that was promised.

he did not know that Lochner was just an agent of a private company.

Question 12

Though the African labourers at the diamond mines were paid very low wages, people still migrated to Kimberley because:

diamonds held a special attraction.

they preferred to work for the British.

they were tired of the frequent inter-clan wars.

the wages were enough to buy guns.

Question 13

The region where huge deposits of diamonds were found was colonized by the:





Question 14

Zululand became a part of a British colony in:





Question 15

Gold mining at Witwatersrand required a huge investment of capital because:

of the massive deposits found in the region.

the ore deposits were at a considerable depth into the ground.

a large labour force was required to mine the mineral.

of the mountainous terrain of the region.

Question 16

The book Africa for the African was written by:

Joseph Booth

Joseph Chilembwe.

John Booth.

John Chilembwe.

Question 17

At the League of Nations, constituted after the Versailles Peace Conference, the only independent African founder member was:





Question 18

The Maji Maji Rebellion began as a protest against:

inhumane treatment .

high taxation.

restrictions imposed on following traditional beliefs.

being forced to cultivate cotton.

Question 19

During the First World War, the European power that recruited the highest number of Africans into their army was:

the British.

the Belgians.

the French.

the Germans.

Question 20

Most of the concessionary companies set up in Africa went bankrupt eventually, except for those in:




East Africa.

Question 21

District and village chiefs were appointed by the French administrators based on their ability to:

extract taxes.

speak French.

recruit labour.

maintain law and order.

Question 22

Which of the following statements was not a characteristic of a settler estate?

A European manager overlooked the operations.

European farming operations were subsidized by the state.

Only a small percentage of white-owned land was actually cultivated.

African workers were a willing labour force.

Question 23

The Kongo-Wara rebellion was launched by the Baya against:

the British.

the French.

the Belgians.

the Germans.

Question 24

The cash crop with the lowest monetary returns was:





Question 25

Under the system of colonial taxation, the taxes collected from:

the peasants were used to pay for the colonial administration.

the white farmers were used to benefit the peasants.

all were used to benefit the white farmers.

all were used to benefit the peasants.

Question 26

Ethiopia was liberated from the Italians with the help of other European nations in:





Question 27

In the early 1940s, the British lost their investments in the rubber plantations in Malaya due to:

loss of labour after the outbreak of war.

the Japanese occupation.

loss in demand for rubber products.

the switchover to oil palm cultivation.

Question 28

Brazzaville, the capital of "Free France" in exile was located in:




French Equatorial Africa.

Question 29

The South African _________ industry saw a remarkable growth in the years after the Second World War.





Question 30

The Second Battle of El Alamein was fought in:





Question 31

The territory of Rio de Oro (Western Sahara) had been occupied by the:





Question 32

What was the supposed act of subversion for which Nkrumah was arrested in 1948?

He instigated the people to hold demonstrations and strikes.

He was very vocal in his demand of immediate independence.

He founded the Convention People's Party.

He initiated a mass membership drive for his party.

Question 33

The Yoruba and the Igbo were dominant in two separate regional divisions that were part of:

eastern Nigeria.

western Nigeria.

northern Nigeria.

southern Nigeria.

Question 34

Which French colony in west Africa voted "No" to President de Gaulle's 'Oui or Non' ultimatum of 1958?




Ivory Coast

Question 35

The colonial governments' plans to enhance peasant agricultural production often failed because:

the peasants did not consult the authorities on the details of implementation.

the peasants were not consulted in the planning of the schemes.

the peasants were unwilling to change over from their traditional methods.

the funds allocated were insufficient.

Question 36

In the early 1970s, General Mobutu renamed the province of Katanga as:





Question 37

In 1954, Julius Nyerere helped form TANU, the:

Tanzania African National Union.

Tanganyika African National Union.

Tanganyika African National Unity.

Tanzania African National Unity.

Question 38

Seychelles' annual oil imports were paid for:

by the British.

by the Americans.

with the dollar rent collected from the Americans.

from tax collected from tourism and offshore banking.

Question 39

At the time of the general elections in1960, there were ____ provincial governments in the Congo.





Question 40

The Creoles in Mauritius are:

people of French origin.

people of Indian origin.

people of African origin.

people of mixed-French origin.

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