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Question 1: Which elements of Chapter 2 Communication That Blocks Compassion, did you find most useful? Please cite the specific passages and give examples of how you might use this information in eve

Question 1: Which elements of Chapter 2 Communication That Blocks Compassion, did you find most useful? Please cite the specific passages and give examples of how you might use this information in everyday life.

Question 2: Which elements of Chapter 2 Communication That Blocks Compassion, did you find most challenging? Please cite the specific passages and describe why this was challenging to you.

Question 3: Please describe your overall reaction to this week’s assigned reading in NVC. Provide citation for the content in the text that sparked those reactions.

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********************* ****************** **** Question 1The **** ****** ******* after ******* and ********** ******* two ** *** *********** perceive ***** with * different *********** from their own *** ******* *********** **** at times ****** might agree with values *** beliefs ** **** fear the ************ ** ************ * will *** ********** ******** ***** ** **** **** ** ********* *********** *** ****** *** ***** is ********** ** all ***** of **** Assuming * ****** ** ************ without ************* their *********** **** ********* ** ************* will be ********** *** ********* ****** ********* ** ******* ** *********** analyzing *** *********** ****** ** ********* ****** **** ** what ** and ****** need *** are not ******* ********** 2012)” Question * *** ******* that * found **** *********** *** *** people ***** **** **** **** ****** * ********** People will ****** compare ***** ********** **** ****** ** understand **** **** are ***** ***** ** ***** in ***** ****** therefore ** * ****** feels ********* after ********** **** **** **** **** other ****** **** ** jealousy ********* *** ********* ***** readershave * ******* ****** ** **** **** ********* *** themselves; they ***** ***** to comparethemselves ** ***** people” might ** ********** ** ***** out ** context (Billikopf ***** Question 3 *** assigned ******* was *********** and ***** for ************* how ** ***** * ************ ************ ***** ** ***** ************ *** ************** *** ******* *** Denial of Responsibility ******* ** *** ******* ********** *** ****** do *** accept responsibility **** **** **** guilty ** miserable ******* ******* ** ***** might ******* someone ** ******** **** * ***** *** example ******* **** ******** ** ********* **** ***** is a classic ****** ** *********** action (Billikopf ***** ** ********** life-alienating ************* *** ****** *** ******* ** ********************** * (2012) ********** communication: A ******** ** **** International ******* ** Conflict **********

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