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Question: The current size of the human population on Earth is A. approximately 7.2 billion and decreasing. approximately 7.2 billion and increasing....

Question:1. The current size of the human population on Earth isA. approximately 7.2 billion and decreasing.B. approximately 7.2 billion and increasing.C. approximately 7.2 billion and remaining stable.D. approximately 7.2 billion but there is no way to tell where the population is heading.E. none of the above.2. For findings of scientific research to be accepted the findings must beA. repeatable/reproducibleB. involve a large enough sample size to be significantC. made following the recognized scientific methodD. conducted in an objective fashionE. all of the above3. Risk assessment attempts to measure the probability of an event happening as well as assessing the severity of the event should it happenA. True B. False4. Regarding energy, the Earth is a closed systemA. True B. False5. The term sustainability refers to the concept of meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their future needs.A. True B. False.6. What implication(s) does the law of conservation of matter have for humans?A. We cannot produce energy because it is neither created nor destroyed.B. As matter is recycled it loses its integrity so we need to be careful when we dispose of goods.C. Natural resources are unlimited.D. "Disposable" goods are not going "away" when we throw them out.E. All of these are implications of the law of conservation of matter.7. The second law of thermodynamics (the entropy law) states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed only changed from one form to another.A. TrueB. False8. Global climate change is described as a potential positive feedback phenomenon. What does this mean?A. In the end the outcome of global climate change will be positiveB. Events that occur as a result of global climate change will potentially bring about more global climate changeC. Events that occur as a result of global climate change will bring about other problems like acid rainD. Events that occur as a result of global climate change will bring about a positive change in the way people view the environmentE. None of the above9. All members of a single species that live in the same area at the same time and have the potential for reproduction is termed a:A. species B. ecosystem. C. community. D. population. E. biome.10. A biological community consists of a number of populations of different species living and interacting in an area. A. True B. False11. Place the following terms in order from smallest unit to largestA. ecosystem-community-individual-population B. ecosystem-population-community-individualC. individual-community-ecosystem-population D. individual-population-community-ecosystemE. community-population-individual-ecosystem12. Some would argue that wind power is a more environmentally friendly energy source as it is non-polluting and free of many of the impacts associated with using coal to generate electricity.A. True B. False13. Primary consumers are also known asA. carnivores. B. scavengers C. decomposers. D. herbivores. E. top carnivores14. In a food chain, each step of a food chain sees:A. 10% of the energy passed on to the next step while 90% is lost as heatB. 90% of the energy passed on to the next step while 10% is lost as heatC. 50% of the energy passed on to the next step while 50% is lost as heatD. 100% of the energy passed on to the next stepE. none of the above is correct, we have no way of knowing how much energy is transferred15. Living vegetation (trees and other plants) and the ocean are known as "carbon sinks" becauseA. they are made of carbon. B. they create carbon.C. they destroy carbon. D. they store carbon.E. due to gravity, carbon is found closer to the ground.16.The Tragedy of the Commons is a concept that attempts to explain:A)how human nature leads to environmental degradationB)how National Parks are doomed to failure due to lack of governmental supportC)how the average/"common" person is uneducated about environmental issuesD)how common wildlife species are often the first to become endangered rather than the exotic speciesE)none of the above really expresses what Garret Hardin meant by this phrase17. Acid Rain has an effect on natural systems (lakes, forests, etc) when the pH of the (rain or snow) isA. less than 8 on the pH scale B. greater than 8 on the pH scale C. less than 7 on the pH scaleD. less than 5.6 on the pH scale E. greater than 9 on the pH scale18. Natural selection will ultimately lead to a species that is:A. more intelligent. B. physically bigger. C. adapted to its environment.D. more aggressive. E. less vulnerable to its predators.19. Carbon sequestration refer to what?A. uncut tropical rainforests holding vast amounts of carbon in their vegetationB. humans attempting to capture carbon from the burning of fossil fuels and storing that carbon undergroundC. the oceans holding carbon and keeping it out of the atmosphereD. all of the above may be considered carbon sequestrationE. only a and b20. A bluebird and a tree swallow are living in the same territory and are using some of the same resources (feeding on flying insects). These two birds would be members of the same trophic level. A. True. B. False.21. A bluebird and a tree swallow are living in the same territory and are using some of the same resources (feeding on flying insects). These two birds would be displaying what interaction?A. mutualism B. interspecific competition C. intraspecific competitionD. neutralism E. commmensalism22. Individuals of a species may only reproduce with other individuals of their same speciesA. True B. False23. In a food web an organism may consume prey from more than one trophic levelA. True B. False24.The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) predicts, due to Global climate Change, a future that will include (for some): A)stronger hurricanes B)increased droughts and flooding C)decreased fresh water supplies resulting from disappearing glaciers D)hotter summers E)all of the above25.The earth's carrying capacity for humans is uncertain due to:A)the amount of resources available for future generations is debatableB)a worldwide accepted "standard" of living has not been agreed upon (and will it ever?)C)future technology may provide useful advancesD)all of the aboveE)none of the above, there is no uncertainty regarding the carrying capacity for humans.26.Renewable resources are those thatA. will not be exhausted.B. will renew(replace) themselves unless used at a rate that exceeds their replacement rateC. can be renewed through intensive investments of capital and labor.D. largely fossil fuelsE. have yet to be utilized by humans27. What is true about detritivores and decomposers:A. decomposers = fungi and bacteria B. detritivores are invertebrates (insects, worms, etc)C. decomposers return nutrients to the soilD. detritivores are consumers that tend to feed on dead tissueE. All of the above28. Adaptation occurs within a(n):A. individual over its lifetime B. population over the course of a single breeding seasonC. species over generations D. all of the above E. none of the above29.The data suggests that global climate change stems from what human activity?A)burning of fossil fuels B)depleting the ozone layer C)the burying of toxic wastesD)the incineration of municipal wastes E)a and b but not c and d30.The number of individuals of a species that can be maintained in an area (by the resources in that area) over time is termed the area's:A)maximum level B)carrying capacity C)stable peak D)niche optimum E)biotic potential31. The idea that the City of New York would spend money to buy land around their reservoirs in the Catskills (because the land acts a natural filtration system) instead of spending money to build a water filtration plant to clean the water as it arrives in NYC from the reservoirs is an example of the recognition of..... (note: this is a highly simplified description)A. law of conservation of matter B. law of conservation of energy C. the 2nd law of thermodynamics (the entropy law) D. external costs E. ecosystem services32. Ecological diversity is a measure of the number ofA. different kinds of organisms within a community or ecosystem.B. different versions of the same gene in an ecological community.C. sizes, colors, and shapes of organisms within an ecological community.D. trophic levels in a biological community.E. different microhabitats in an ecosystem.33. The HIPPO or HIPPCO acronym refers toA. causes of biodiversity loss B. the gases implicated in global climate changeC. the steps needed to stabilize human population growthD. the alternative energies needed to lead to a sustainable energy futureE. none of the above34. The idea that our activities and /or the products we produce often result in an impact on the environment and that impact can be expressed in dollars and cents that someone must pay for and humans often ignore this reality and pass "the bill" on to the next generation is termed:a)ecological footprint b)ecological services c)ecotourism d)eutrophicatione)external costs/economic externalities35. I=P x A x T refers toA. An equation to explain the origin of biodiversity lossB. An equation to explain population growthC. An equation to explain the origin of human impact on the environmentD. An equation to explain the economics of environmental cleanupE. An equation to explain the costs of developing a sustaiunable energy future36. Sustainable agriculture looks at:A. soil as a renewable resource B. long term productivity vs. short term economic gainsC. population control as important D. all of the above E. none of the above37. Habitat fragmentation usually leads to a decrease in biodiversity.A. True B. False38. An invasive species is one thatA. is non native to an areaB. is usually introduced by humans either intentionally or by accidentC. is very successful in its habitatD. crowds out or out competes other organismsE. all of the above may describe invasive species39. The main reason for the current high rate of animal extinctions isA. uncontrolled sport hunting in the developed world.B. commercial harvesting of wildlife in Africa.C. drought conditions caused by the greenhouse effect.D. habitat destruction worldwide.E. none of the above40. One who tends to believe the world's resources are limited:a)Neo- Malthusian b)Cornucopian41. One who tends to believe that technology is the solution to our environmental problems: a)Neo- Malthusian b)Cornucopian42.Brought about the requirement for the Environmental Impact Statement for projects with potentially significant environmental impacts at the Federal Government level.a)Kyoto Protocol b)CERCLA (Superfund) c)NEPA(National Environmental Policy Act)d)Montreal Protocol e)ESA(Endangered Species Act)43.Which of the following was a "worldwide" attempt to deal with ozone depletion:a)Kyoto Protocol b)CERCLA (Superfund) c)NEPA(National Environmental Policy Act)d)Montreal Protocol e)ESA(Endangered Species Act)44. What is the basis of the statement that we could feed more people if we would all eat grain rather than feeding it to livestock and then eating meat (not that I am advocating one diet over another)?A. the First Law of ThermodynamicsB. the Second Law of ThermodynamicsC. Law of Conservation of MatterD. none of the above, the statement is not trueE. none of the above but the statement is true45. A keystone species is a species that plays a major role in a biological community as a result of its tremendous abundance in the community (keystone species tend to be the most abundant organism in the community).A. True B. False C. Not necessarily46. Natural populations may growA. exponentially B. logistically C. either a or b depending on the environmental conditions47. When a species population changes from exponential growth(J-shaped curve) to logistic growth(S-shaped curve) it usually does so where?A. when the population size is at or near the carrying capacityB. when the population size has far exceeded the carrying capacityC. when the population has no predators to keep it in checkD. when the population has no disease to keep it in checkE. c and d48. The Kyoto Protocol (the international agreement dealing with climate change) was ratified by the United States.A. True B. False49. Smart Growth Principles (when developing today and into the future) would include fostering a sense of place, creating walkable neighborhoods, using compact building designs among other principles.A. True B. False50. The idea that poor countries would conserve their biological resources rather than develop them and in turn the poor country would be relieved of some of its financial obligations is known as a A)debt for nature swap B)biodiversity hot spots C)gap analysis D)GDP transfer51. The biomagnification/bioaccumulation of DDT demonstrates that higher trophic level organisms can concentrate fat soluble toxins in greater quantities than lower trophic level organisms.A. True B. False52. In theory risk assessment analysis includes:A .the public's perception of the issue B. objective scientific understanding of the issueC. recognition of economic costs and benefits of the issueD. all of the above E. a and b but not c53. Human population growth over history is represented mathematically as a(n):A)J-shaped curve B)straight line C)L-shaped curve D)cycle E)S-shaped curve54)An example of a non-renewable resource would be:A)solar power B)coal C)natural gas D)water E)b and c55) If the doubling time for a human population decreases that would mean the population is likely to see its population size ________________ in the future.A. Increase B. Decrease C. Remain the same56)The ozone layer is responsible for screening out 95- 99% of incoming:A)infrared energy (IR) B)solar energy C)ultraviolet radiation (UV) D)atomic energy E)heat57) The advantages of solar or wind energy are (as opposed to fossil fuels):A)they are non polluting B)the source of the energy is freeC)they are found in nearly every country to some degree D)localized production is possibleE)all of the above58) The Endangered Species Act of 1973 authorized the United States Federal Government to protect organisms listed as endangered (in danger of extinction) as well as protecting the habitats of those listed organisms.A)True B)False59)The idea that one's lifestyle has an impact that is "measurable" and that that impact may be larger or smaller (as compared to other people in the world) due to one's reliance on fossil fuels is termed:A)ecological footprint B)ecological services C)ecotourism D)eutrophicationE)external costs/economic externalities60)The doubling time of a population refers to what (for example the doubling time for Sweden is ~ 210 years, the doubling time for Nicaragua in Central America is ~25 years)?A)the time it takes for the entire population of a nation to double in sizeB)the time it takes for the female portion(the ones that produce the offspring) of the population to double in sizeC)the time it takes for the segment of the population that is able to reproduce (male and female both at reproductive age) to double in sizeD)none of the above, doubling time is not able to be determined for individual countries only globally61)Acid rain has had an impact on both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.A)True B)False62)To the best of our knowledge, the earth's supply of concentrated, usable and affordable fossil fuels is being depleted.A)True B)False63)The depletion of the ozone layer in the atmosphere is primarily attributed to the presence of what anthropogenic (human made) chemical:A)water vapor B)chlorofluorocarbons C)dinitrobenzoic acidD)suphur dioxide E)carbon dioxide64)Which factor is a contributing factor to increasing levels of CO2 in our atmosphere?A)deforestation B)fossil fuel consumption C)acid rainD)all of the above E)a and b are widely believed to be involved65)When one looks at Future Energy Policies in a sustainable manner in this country and elsewhere one must look at the continued focus on efficiency.A) True B)False66)The idea that we swap the conventional idea of economic growth with the idea of a different indicator that measures more than just factory output but also a recognition of economic externalitiesA)debt for nature swap B)biodiversity hot spots C)gap analysisD)GDP (gross domestic prodcut) vs GPI (genuine progress index)E)new urbanism/smart growth67)When discussing the price of a particular item (say, an automobile), external costs (economic externalities) refer:A)the costs of keeping the exterior of the car cleanedB)the costs of things other than the actual cost of the car (ex: insurance, gasoline, etc.)C)the cost to the environment and to public health that results from making and using the product/automobile (ex: pollution)D)the costs that are not factored into the price of the item by the manufacturer andperhaps should beE)both c and d68) To predict the future growth of a country's population it would be necessary to know:A)the current rate of growth B)the age distribution of the populationC)the male/female ratio of the population D)all of the above would be useful to knowE)none of the above, it is not possible to predict future population growth69) Science, at its core, is dependent upon objective and unbiased observations of the real world.A)True B)False70)Future patterns of human population growth (in other words, the shape that the growth curves might take in the years to come) may follow a number of different pathways. According to population biologists and United Nations demographers(population experts), future stability in human population growth may depend upon:A)a universal government for the whole worldB)global warming changing where agriculture takes place on the globeC)the continued education and empowerment of women in "third world" nationsD)a single global economy formingE)tropical rain forests being protected from development71)From a biological perspective, the goal of all life on Earth is reproduction.A) True B)False72) Some of the impacts of Global Climate Change that are of concern include:A)rising sea levels B)more numerous and stronger storms C)ocean acidification D)melting of the permafrost in Arctic areas E)all of the above73)Humans have learned(or at least we can hope they have) by trial and error that stability of an ecosystem can be affected if: A)native predators are eliminated B)foreign species are introduced into an area where they are not native C)humans are allowed to hunt D)all of the above E)a and b but not necessarily c74)Which chemical substance is implicated in Global Climate Change?A)PCBs B)DDT C)SO2 D)CO2 E)all of the above75)The depletion of the ozone layer is of concern due to:A)the potential for ocean levels to rise, flooding low-lying citiesB)the potential for increased levels of skin cancer and immune system deficienciesC)the potential for changes in climate effecting global agricultureD)the potential for the melting of the polar ice cap and glaciersE)the potential for deforestation of the tropical rain forest76)Believes that external costs should be internalized. A)Neo- Malthusian B)Cornucopian77)Believes human population growth should continue. A)Neo- Malthusian B)Cornucopian78)Believes economic growth is most important. A)Neo- Malthusian B)Cornucopian79)Tends to look more long term than short term. A)Neo- Malthusian B)Cornucopian80)Sustainability is possible. A)True B)False C)That is a the question and really the only question to consider if one views the issues covered this semester as reality...

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