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Read Chapter 13 of the textbook - Politics, power and the common good ( I will provide the chapter ), then choose ONE of these FOUR questions for your third essay. Your essay should answer the questio

Read Chapter 13 of the textbook - Politics, power and the common good ( I will provide the chapter ), then choose ONE of these FOUR questions for your third essay. Your essay should answer the question and explain your argument/position. paper should be in APA style and format with minimum of 3 academic and 3 credible sources.

1.       Do the advantages of a federal system outweigh the disadvantages in Canada? Should other countries such as the United Kingdom adopt a federal system?

2.       Discuss why the EU still lacks popular support and legitimacy as a confederal system of government?

3.       Would it be desirable to create a North American Union similar to the European Union? 

4.       Should Canada move further in the direction of asymmetrical federalism?

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***** towards answering *** subject line ******** ** ** ********* ** ********** *** ******* system ***** *** federal ****** ** a ***** ** *** *********** ** ******* and ********* however * single ********* ****** ******** *** ***** setup ** ******* ********** ** *** ** is linked **** democracy ****** ************ *** sovereignty to *** the ****** ***** *** benefits ** both federal *** ******* *********** there are ********* ***** of * federal system with varying ******** ** terms ** ********* The ******** ** the ******* ****** ******** the ******** in Canada ** *** ******* ********** ** ***** ******** ******* ****** ******* ** ** ******* ***** ********* ***** opportunities to the ****** *** ** ****** ******* ******* *** ************* governments **** **** ** ***** it ** ********* ** **** **** the similar system *** *** **** **** ** *** **** ** *** EU Both models ** *** ******* system with *** central ********** *** unitary government ** *** ** *** *** best ****** **** ** *** ***** ***** *** successful but *** ******** ** *** **** ** low as ******** ** *** dollar Canada ****** *********** with * ******* ****** **** ** ****** to witness ****** ***** ***** Croci *****

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