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Read the following fictional “case.” An on-call ophthalmologist (eye specialist), without seeing the patient, diagnosed his eye pain associated with sensitivity to light and nausea, as sinusitis. In f
Read the following fictional “case.”
An on-call ophthalmologist (eye specialist), without seeing the patient, diagnosed his eye pain associated with sensitivity to light and nausea, as sinusitis. In fact, the patient had acute angle closure glaucoma and lost the sight in the eye.
- What are the facts in this case?
- Are the 4 D’s present?
- How would you argue for the plaintiff?
- How would you argue for the defendant?
- If you were on the jury, based on the above facts, what would your findings be?
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*************************************** NameInstitutionDue ******************** DiscussionWhat are *** ***** ** **** ******** **** ***** ***** the **** ******* the *** parties ********* *** *************** *** *** ******* *** *************** diagnosed * serious ********* ******** ** ******* ** the ******* losing ** *** ** *** *** acute ******* ******** rather **** *** *********** ** *** eye as earlier ******* ** *** *************** *** plaintiff *** experiencing *** **** *********** to ***** *** ****** *** ******* *************** diagnosed *** ********* ** ****** ********* when ** fact *** ********* had ***** ***** ******* ******** ** * ****** of the ************ *** ********* **** *** ***** ** the *** *** ********* * procedure to remove *** *** *** lawsuit settled for *********** *** * D’s present?The plaintiff was ********* with acute ***** closure ******** which ****** *** ** **** *** ***** ** *** *** This ** * ***** ******* ** ******* ********** ** the *************** *** *** ******** ******* *** ******* *** **** a ************ The *************** also *** *** provide *** proper treatment *** *** ********* ***** led ** *** permanent **** of the patient's ******** four D’s *** ******* *** ***** D is ******** The ******* ***** ******** ** *** ********** ****** ** *** *** ** ******* *** **** ** her **** ******* *** ***** Deviance is ******* ** *** ophthalmologist **** ******* *** expectations of *** ******** ** ******** *** * sensitive ********* ******** *** **** ******* **** * patient is ******* and ********* ****** any conclusions and *************** *** **** **** *** hospital *** ******* is *** ************* ** *** cannot ******* *** ** *** ****** ****** **** ** ******* *** **** * is ************* ***** you ***** *** *** ********** The ******** *** the ********* ***** ***** ** *** code ** ******* ****** *** *** level ** incompetence the ****** ************ leading to complications **** led to the **** ** ***** *** plaintiff does not have *** ******* background ** understand *** ********** ** *** eye ******* Therefore *** *** *** ****** any *** ***** with *** ********* ******* *** plaintiff ***** ***** that *** *************** *** ********* ** ***** ********* *** treatment of the ********* which *** ** *** permanent **** of *** ********* ***** *** *************** did *** ******** ******* *** patient *** **** * ************ *** *************** **** *** *** ******* *** ****** ********* *** *** condition ***** led to the ********* loss ** the patient's ******** ***** *** ***** for *** ************* *** ********* I would ***** that the ******* *** **** ***** ** ****** to ***** *** ******** ** ******* a ******** ********* ******* *** plaintiff did not have ********* *** *** costs ********** **** *** diagnosis were ****** Therefore the ****** had to utilize ********** *** utilize the ******** ********* by *** patient ** make a ***** ******** *** ophthalmologist *** *** *** *********** ** ***** diagnosis *** ********* of *** ******* *** ophthalmologist ******** *** ****** ******** in ********* *** patient and **** a diagnosis ***** ** *** ******** *** ******* was experiencing *** ophthalmologist then ******** the ****** treatment for *** ********* ***** was ************ ** ****** *** ********* ******* you were ** *** **** based on *** ***** ***** what ***** **** ******** be?If * was ** *** jury * ***** find the ****** ****** ** ********** *** ensure *** ******* **** justice for *** **** ** eyesight * ** jury ***** **** **** *** *************** *** ********* in their ********* *** ********* ** *** patient ***** *** ** *** permanent **** of *** ********* *****