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Read the linked article and, using the internet, find the current value of each indicator.  Top 10 Economic Indicators: What to Watch and Why (链接到外部网站。)链接到外部网站。Top T

Read the linked article and, using the internet, find the current value of each indicator.  

Top 10 Economic Indicators: What to Watch and Why (链接到外部网站。)链接到外部网站。

Top Ten Economic Indicators Search Tips

Upon accessing each web site as indicated in the article, complete the following:

GDP – Select Data icon at the top, then by Topic.

M2 - Select Current Release menu selection towards top of screen, on left side and review. Scroll to bottom of screen and note the % change of M2 for 3,6 and 12 months

CPI – Select CPI News Releases on left, then HTML and review 12 month change

PPI – Select PPI News Releases on left, then HTML and review

CCS – as selected-review data.

CES – Select CES News Releases on left, then HTML and review. Also scroll down and review paragraph on average hourly earnings.

Retail Sales – View Advance Monthly Retail Trade Report and select PDF

Housing Starts – View New Residential Construction and select PDF and go to Housing Starts

Manufacturing –View Latest Monthly Reports, select PDF.

S&P 500 – Google S&P 500, select  S&P Index, select Year and view data for one year.

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