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reading response

Chapter 8, Branlinger (2013) "Who Benefits from Special Education: Remediating (Fixing) other People's Children", and Brantlinger (2013) "Winners and Losers: The Basis for School Competition and Hierarchies.


Readings from the textbook and other sources will be assigned three times during the quarter and will provide students opportunities to evaluate their understanding of concepts and ideas presented in the text and other sources. The reading responses will be completed independently.

For each reading response assignment, students are required to read all the assigned readings and answer the assigned prompts in complete sentences. Prompts will change depending on the readings. The reading response should be no more than 3 double-spaced pages and no less than 2 full double-spaced pages using 12-point Times New Roman font.

Each reading response is worth 20 points. They are due uploaded to Canvas by 9:10 am on each designated due date. Responses will be graded using the attached rubric.


  1. Brantlinger (2013) Readings: Discuss two factors that Brantlinger (2013) identifies that contribute to educational outcome disparities and briefly discuss one recommendation that she makes for addressing inequities in education.
  2. What procedures are used to identify students with EBD?
  3. Briefly discuss service delivery options for students with EBD.
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