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Recognition picketing is picketing: To persuade or coerce employees to join a union or to accept the union as bargaining agent.

Recognition picketing is picketing:

To persuade or coerce employees to join a union or to accept the union as bargaining agent.

Directed by a union against an employer with whom it has a dispute, in order to persuade or coerce that employer to stop doing business with, or to bring other pressure against, another employer, with whom the union does not have a dispute.

To publicize either the existence of a labor dispute or information concerning the dispute.

To persuade or coerce an employer to recognize a union as bargaining agent of his employees.

A labor union can bind employees in such a manner as to require them to substitute labor arbitration for a judicial forum for vindication of civil rights claims. This can only happen, however, if:

The employee(s) agree to have their civil rights claim adjudicated by a labor arbitrator.

The employee(s) get to have their own attorney present the case to the labor arbitrator.

The agreement to arbitrate such disputes is "clear and unmistakable".

The agreement to arbitrate such disputes includes a requirement that the parties get to participate in pre-trial discovery similar to what is provided for in a lawsuit.

Once the parties execute a collective bargaining agreement:

The duty to bargain is discharged.

The parties are still obligated to bargain over mandatory mid-term contract proposals.

There can be no modifications to the agreement absent the express approval of the NLRB.

The agreement cannot even been modified through bankruptcy proceedings.

"Featherbedding" is the:

Is the name given to the act of a non-striking union member who passes through a striking union's picket line.

Lump-sum payment, generally computed on the basis of length of service, made by an employer to a worker whose employment is terminated for causes beyond the worker's control, and which is in addition to any back wages or salary due to the worker.

Term applied by unions to non-member employees who secure whatever benefits derive from the union's activities without paying union dues.

Name given to employee practices which create or spread employment by unnecessarily maintaining or increasing the number of employees used, or the amount of time consumed, to work on a particular job.

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