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Reflections on Social Policy and Advocacy
Sharing your experiences of social policy practice and social advocacy with others is important because it often encourages them to respond to their interests and concerns and increases the likelihood that they may also become involved. You will also be able to share your strategies, successes, mistakes, lessons learned, and skills developed. As you share these experiences with your colleagues, they will also share theirs, and you will learn from each other.
consider the topics of the course by reflecting on the experiences of your colleagues. Choose three posts from three different colleagues in the previous discussion (Discussion 3), and reflect on:
- The insights you gained from your colleagues
- How your colleagues’ experiences/opinions affected your own
- The varied perceptions of social work professionals and how they reflect professional ethics
200 word brief description of the insights you gained from the three Discussion posts you selected. Then, explain the impact the experiences and opinions of your colleagues have had on your own experiences and opinions. Finally, explain the varied perceptions of social policy advocacy for social work professionals and how these perceptions might be reflected in social work practice.
Please use references