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remember: you are writing about something you learned how to do and the impact it had on your life)Develop a post of at least 500 words.Use a first-person point of view and make this essay about you.I

  • remember: you are writing about something you learned how to do and the impact it had on your life)
  • Develop a post of at least 500 words.
  • Use a first-person point of view and make this essay about you.
  • Include the 3 rhetorical styles
    • The post needs to contain the 3 rhetorical styles as studied in Unit 1.3 Rhetorical Styles Part I, which includes Narration: Tell Me a Story, Description: The Details Matter, and Exemplification: Provide the Reader with Examples.
  • Make sure that your story has a purpose. The purpose of your post is indicated by the thesis statement. You are not just telling a story; you are telling your audience what you learned and how you grew from your experience.
  • Follow your outline. Be sure your post contains the points from your outline.
  • Revise and edit to ensure clear, concise writing.


  • Outside sources
    • Since we have not properly reviewed how to use MLA formatting, you should not be using any outside sources for this assignment.
  • Second-person point of view (the word "you" or any derivatives of the word)
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