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Requirements for the Term Paper *The term paper should be worked on throughout the semester to avoid a compilation of work at the end of the semester. Topic This is a 750-1000 word-page research paper
Requirements for the Term Paper
*The term paper should be worked on throughout the semester to avoid a compilation of work at the end of the semester.
- This is a 750-1000 word-page research paper (not counting the cover page or references). No abstract required. The goal of this assignment is to research an MRI applications topic about new procedures or new technology and associated protocols. This is not a pathology report, however, you may use a pathology as the basis for your research regarding new MRI technology, new MRI procedures, and/ or new MRI research. The best way to know that the topic is about something new in MRI is to search for peer-reviewed research that is less than 5 years old.
- You may expand upon material covered in class, or you may research topics related to class material but not addressed in the units or readings. A reader of your paper should get a sense as to why you found the particular topic about which you are writing interesting, as well as learn about the topic. Write with passion!
- Although you will be choosing your own topic for this paper, your topic has to be approved by the instructor. No two students may have the same topic, so you will post your topic in the appropriate discussion board for everyone to view. Remember, “first come first served”.
- The sources must draw upon recent research less than five (5) years old.
- You are required to use a minimum of five (5) references in writing your paper.
- At least four (4) references are required to be from sources that are published and are from scientific scholarly journals or from other scholarly sources (i.e. professional journals or texts. Scholarly journals accessed online are acceptable).
- You may use as many references as you wish, but no more than two internet sources can be used. Use only credible medical websites such as the CDC, NIH, WHO, etc. Wikipedia is NOT a credible source!
- NO CUT AND PASTE from websites is allowed.
- All sources should be appropriately cited and referenced using APA format. The APA manual will be used for the grading of the format.
The text should be in your own words, with material quoted directly from other sources only in circumstances in which there is a compelling reason to use someone else's words rather than your own. These papers will be submitted to an online plagiarism service before they are graded.
The library should be where you start your research. MSU’s Moffett Library has several services that are beneficial to helping you reach your research goal. Start with the "Library introduction video" and the "MSU library YouTube playlist" for specific instructions for navigating the online library services. Even at a distance, the library is an exceptional place to find your research material.
The International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine also has excellent information including links to MR information.
- The paper must be in APA format. It is highly recommended that you purchase the APA 6th edition Manual.
- There are videos and a template in the course section, “APA & research tutorials” that will help you with format and research help (if you have taken 4913 Applied Research the format should be familiar. If not, you should follow the APA manual and the videos closely).
- IBM compatible format (not MAC)
- Word 2003 or newer version
- Times New Roman (12 points)
- Double spaced
- 1” margins on all sides.
- The first page should be a title page containing the title of your paper, the course title, and number, date, student name, and instructor name, page number, and header. Use the template provided in the course.
- The body should be 750-1000 words in length. (an abstract is not required) The title page, reference list pages, and any illustrations and tables do not count as part of the 750-1000 words of text.
- Following the text, there should be one or more pages (as needed) containing the reference list of the paper.
- All assignments must reflect baccalaureate level effort. This means that assignments must be written using standard technical writing skills. This includes appropriate spelling, grammar, sentence structure, transitions, text flow, currency of knowledge, and scope of research.
- Unfamiliar or new terms should be defined when first used.
- Images can be included, but should be kept to a minimum and should be cited.
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**************************** ****** ************* ************** **************************** Breast ******************** ***** **** Breast ****** ** *** ********* ***** kind ** cancer affecting women in the entire ***** *** ******* ** the ****** 2 ***** ** ****** ***** women ** *** ** *** number * in Chinese ******* ********* ** ** ***** MRI ** ******** ********* ******* is mostly **** to ******** breast ******* in everyday practice as * result ** *** **** sensitivity in *********** ***** ******** *** ********* breast ****** *** ** the **** of visibility ** **** breast ******* on mammography ** ultrasonography *** is ******** ** ******** ****** *** sores ** ********** ****** ******** **** *** genuine ** *** MRI-procedural breast ****** together **** MRI-guided **** limitation ***** ********* operational ****** *** ********* for *** analysis as **** ** not including ********** ****** ** breast sustaining operation ******* *** ******* ** MRI *********** *** high in detecting **** **** 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