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Research a crime that has been reported in the media involving the use of force as per chapter 6 in the e-text.  You can select police brutality, self-defense, child abuse, domestic violence.   Prepar

Research a crime that has been reported in the media involving the use of force as per chapter 6 in the e-text.  You can select police brutality, self-defense, child abuse, domestic violence.   Prepare a 1-2 page essay addressing whether the force used meets the criteria as identified in the chapter. Make sure you include the factors that are used to determine whether the force was justified.   

Review the syllabus and announcements for requirements and format. Make sure you cite your source.

Each essay should have a heading which includes your name, date, and title. You should use proper titles if using last names--Mr. ; Ms.; Officer, etc.  Only referring to someone by their last name is not appropriate.  Make sure you proofread your essay for spelling and grammatical errors.  

Try using the following format when writing essays to help you organize your thoughts.

Summary of the crime as reported, including relevant facts.

Explain and define the different concepts of the essay topic – for example, the factors used to determine if force was reasonable

Explain how the conduct satisfied the different elements of the crime or topic of the essay.

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********************** **************** *************** ********************************** ********************* ** **** topic the ***** ***** ** define **** ****** ********* ** ** ** *** universal use of ******** or vocal ******** directly ** * ******* by *** police ***** It is ****** ******* ** numerous ******* ******* ** *** media ***** ***** **** ***** *** ******** It seems ** ** **** * kind ** ****** *********** that ********* ****** ************ ******* ********* ******* ********* ********** *** racial ********* ******** Law ******* example ** a ******** case ******** ** *** media is **** ** George Floyd He was * black man who *** ******** ** * ***** ****** ******* ** **** ****** ***** is * person *** negatively ******* Floyd ***** name ** ******* Owens She **** *** one ****** that he ****** **** **** ** *** ****** *** **** * **** ********** ** ** ** **** ******** ** ********** **** **** *** lived * heroic ********* when he ****** **** refuse ** ****** the ********* that **** person ** * ****** ** should be ****** ** the black ********* ***** *** * **** *** ***** that is ********* He ** an ******* ** * ******* ******** his entire **** — up ***** *** very **** *************** ************ according ** ***** ***** ******* ******* death was a ****** ** ****** ********* ** **** ** *** ****** it was ********* ** * senior *** enforcement ******* ****** ******** *** ******** ** use ***** only **** necessary ** *********** ** ****** * ************** ******** ** ** ****** ** ******* ** judge what *** ***** ** *********** ** when *** ***** is used by ****** ** ** not ********** for a ****** ******* to *** *** **** ****** to ***** ******** ** ********* **** *** ******* ** *** ********** when *** ********** is ******** *** any ****** ** ******* or ****** is *** ********** ****** ***** ******** ****** ***** ********* **** **** **** **** *** *** ******** ***** *** the ******* ******* **** locates *** ********** ************* when ***** ** * ******** reason for ********* that wrongdoing may **** **** ******* out **** ** arrest) **** ****** do *** know **** the probable ***** *** *** ****** ** ****** ***** *** *** ********* we will all **** soon **** ** **** a *********** ** ******* his ****** is not the ******* *** use ** ***** by police isHowever ********* to Owens *** claimed journalists *** mistakenly ********** ******* ***** ** ******* ******* ** ************* *********** ******** about *** **** ******** direct *** *** ******* *** *********** ******* police fierceness * "myth" *** **** ** some ******** ******* ** **** ***** to ****** ** ******** before the **** ******** ************ ******** (LEE **************** ** *** ******* George ******* death ** ** a ********** ***** but ** ****** ********* *** **** ****** among others *** ****** ******* *** brutally ****** ***** should ** ******** To **** ** ******* ***** *** *** ***** ** the **** of his ****** *** was ** ********** ** resist   ReferencesLEE * ****** ********** ************* ****** Floyd’s Criminal ****** ********* 30 June 2020 from https://wwwsnopescom/news/2020/06/12/george-floyd-criminal-record/Teacher Law ********* 2013) ****** ********* ********* from ************************************************************************************ C ****** ******* ****** ** ** NOT ******* ****** ******* ***** ****** Why! * ****** Daily Retrieved ** **** **** **** ********************************************************************************************************************************* **

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