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Research Paper Topic Network Firewall v/s RouterContent Introduction (1 page)Literature Research/Findings (2 pages)· Describe findings and sources· Support/reason your choices of sou
Research Paper
Network Firewall v/s Router
Introduction (1 page)
Literature Research/Findings (2 pages)
· Describe findings and sources
· Support/reason your choices of sources
Analysis (2 pages)
· Analyze findings as related to your chosen topic
· Group your findings in major categories, as needed
Applications (2 pages)
· What kind of applications do you see for the
· Describe possible benefits to various companies or organizations if your finding goes practically
Conclusion and Recommendation (1 page)
· Outline main conclusion(s) of your research paper
· Outline any recommendation(s) and why?
References (1 page)
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****** *** ******* ******** SecurityNameInstitution Router *** Network ******** ***************************** ******** ** becoming * major ******* *** most ************* ****** ***** ** ***** ******** ************* have **** ******* ** ********** ******* **** highlighted *** **** *** ****** ******** ** incident ** ***** *** ***** cry ***** ******** institutions with ********** ********* ********* revived *** **** *** ******** ******** **** organizations embrace the *** ** firewalls *** ***** ******* ********** to ****** ********** ******* **** attacks As *** recent attacks **** ***** ******* ******* **** ********** *** use ** ******** ** ******* systems *** ****** ********** to evolving attacks ** ** now **** to ******** ***** *** ******** ********** in * network ** defend ******* intrusion *** *********** ******** *** ************* ** *** router *** ****** is ******** **** ** ******* to * system ** ** internet service ******** *** router *** ******* *** ******** ******** ********* ** ******* * ****** **** ********* attack *** ******* ** *** ******** ******** by *** ****** ** ******** ** ** ******** *** ********* ******** ******** ******** *** ********* **** *** combined use ** the ****** *** ******** improves *** ******** ************ of * ****** The ****** ******** ******** security ***** the firewall provides *** ********* ******** ******** **** research ***** **** ** ******* *** potential ** *********** *** ****** **** *** ******** ** ** organization Most ******** have explored *** ******** ****** from a ******** *********** ** ** time ** consider * ***** *** ** the hardware and ******** ** ******** information ******* Limited ******** *** ******** the open use ** *** ****** ** a ******** ********* **** ***** aims to consider the ******** *********** ** the ****** **** the security measures of an ************ Ultimately *** paper **** ** inspire *** *********** ** the ******** problem **** **** *** hardware *** ******** anglesLiterature ReviewNetwork systems *** designed ** accommodate ******* According ** ****** (2018) ******* ****** * ******* **** *** ******* to **** IP ********* In his ***** ** ********** ******* to have ******* ******* *** ********* This ***** *** ****** ** **** an ******** ******* ******** *** ********* ** ******** Newman ****** further ********** **** the ******** ** firewalls ****** * ******* ****** ** ** either ******* ** ***** ****** ** devices **** ******* ******* ******* network systems **** **** ****** be *********** **** ***** ** * proper ******* ****** Internet ******** use ******* *** connection ******* ****** packets from ********* *************** ** Tan ** ***** **** ****** ***** **** ******* **** the ******* ** detect ********* **** *** *** ****** the ******* **** ** ******* a process ****** IP scooping ** ***** ******* security ** is appropriate **** the ******* system ** ********** **** address ******* ****** *** ******* ***** *** ** **** *** security ******** ** part ** *** ******* system *** ******* ** ****** ***** ******* ***** *** ******* **** different ********** namely *** ******* ********* ****** *********** **** ****** type as **** ** the ******** *** Li ***** **** ****** **** the ********** as the basis ** ******** **** is ******* ** ******* ***** network systemsAccording to ********* Tashiro ***** ******** ****** ***** *** different categories ** ******** ******* **** *** different security types ** ***** ********** ** networks ** *** study ********* ** ********* ******* & Hikihara ****** it was ******* **** the *********** ** *** ******** routers *** variations ** *********** For instance *** ******* Address *********** ***** involve ******* ** the ************** ** *** internet ********* ****** ******** ******* ** homes ******* are sent ** routers ******* *** **** ** *** **** ******* **** the ***** ********* ** ********** ******* a ****** ******** The ******* ** NAT ** ** ****** **** *** ******* of **** **** ***** *** ******** are **** *** **** from malicious attack Thus it ****** *** ******** **** ********* *** internet In their ******** they noted that the *** is ******* *** ** *** ******* of *** packetsOn *** other hand the ******** packet ********** ** a ******** ****** type **** *** *** ability ** study ***** ******* before ****** *** ******* ** ****** different ******** ** data **** different ******** ***** this ****** firewall ** ** regarded ** ** ********* ****** ******** They studied ********* ******* ** ********* the ****** It was ******** that *** ******** packet ********** ********** *** packet **** ***** ** *** ******* type ** if ** ** ****** ***** ******** This *** on the ***** that ******* may *** ******* in ****** ** ********** or ** **** of *** ****** in the ***** service attackConklin ****** ***** McGeer ****** ******* *** ******* ********* **** ** ****** ** **** which *** ****** in access ** *********** **** ** violence ** ******* **** ** ********** **** ******* * bad ***** to the ****** The firewalls have the ******** for ********* *** content ***** *** *** types ** filtering ******* **** ** *** ******** ****** and ******** ****** *** ********* software ** *** ** the ******** ****** *** ******* *** ******** router ***** ****** *** the ******* to ****** *** ***** system Findings ********* **** the ******** ******* despite ****** the ******* ** ***** security ** ** *** 100 *** **** ********* which ***** for ***** ******** ** ********** ********* ***** is ******* that is ********** ***** ******** another firewall *********************** ** *** study ********* ** ********* researchers it *** ******* **** *** ****** ** ********** ******* by ********* ****** firewalls ****** * ***** **** ********* ********** ******** **** ** ************ to ****** **** *** **** ** **** **** malicious ********* ********* ** Conklin ****** ***** McGeer (2017) ******** antiviruses should ** ********* ** ********* for maximum ******** ** **** *** ******** router software and hardware may *** **** the ******* ** ************ all data **** *** lead ** *** ***** of ******* ****** * ****** when using *** ******** Since ******* **** *** ability ** ****** ******* ** data ** *** ***** direction ******* ** ******* *********** may **** ************ ** *** whole systemThe variation ** ******** ** ****** ** **** ** *** router ********* ***** * great ****** ** *** ****** *** ******** ******** *** be ******* from access ** ********* ***** ** **** ****** * ****** ** ********* On the ***** **** the ******** ******** software despite ****** ****** ** the ***** ******** ****** *** ** corrupted ****** its *** in ********* **** *** hardware ******** does *** **** **** ******** to *** ********** ** *** computer *** data ** compared ** ***** types of firewall ******* ***** on the performance ** **** type of router *** ********** **** ** a 65 ******* rating ** *** *********** ******* ******** Saxena ***** McGeer ***** **** shows *** extent ** *** performance of the ******** routersThe stateful ****** ********** was ****** as the **** *********** ** *********** ***** ** *** ability to ****** ***** ******* ** data ******* **** ******** ************ *** use this firewall ****** ** it ***** on ***** **** ** **** *********** *** ability ** work on different ****** ***** ******* limits ** an ********** of *** ********** ** ****** **** ******* **** ********* ***** ** **** Based ** *** experimental aspects that **** ********* by Takahashi ******* ***** ******** ****** it was ******* **** *** ******** ****** ********** ********* ****** ** identifying and protecting *** **** within * ******** ******** *** ***** **** *** Network ******* *********** ** flexible ** access to data *** ******** **** ******* **** ** *** right ********* However one limitation **** *** *** ** that ** limits *** **** **** ** ******** **** its use ** limited ** ********* ** *** ******* ** ******** institutions ***** on *** *********** of *** *** it ******** ****** ** offering direction *** ability ** **** ** limited ******** gives **** *** ****** to data **** ** ** *** ******** system **** ** & **** ***** Thus ******* do *** link computers but **** ***** ******* ***************** the ******** packet inspection performs much ****** **** *** Network ******* *********** *** *** performs better than *** ******* filtering ** the ********** ** *** ***** ********* ** *** evident **** *** stateful ****** ***** ** **** ** **** ** ******** to other ***** ** ******** routers *** ******* to **** on ********* ** ** ******** ******* system *** at the **** **** ***** ********** ***** the ********** ** the ******** ******* ** * ******* ****** ********* *** ******** routers **** *** ********* ** *** network ****** *** *** **** ** business ** ****************************** has shown **** *** ******** *** ** a ****** and ******* ******** ********* the security of * ****** The findings ******** **** organizations *** improve ***** security system ** combining *** use ** **** hardware *** software In the globalization *** ******** ******* ** *** ******* **** ********* *** ******* *** ** **** alongside *** ******** ****** ** ******* *** ******** *** **** ******** and business *********** ****** *** firewall *** *** ** **** ** ***** *** ****** ** ********* accessing *** ****** ** *** ***** **** *** ************ *** ********* the ********* **** *** ****** *** system **** *** ****** limit the **** use ** ********* ** organization *** ****** **** **** organizational ********* *** **** ****** to *** ****** *** *** ** personal ********* can ** blocked ** **** secure *** system *** ****** **** *** ******* ** **** **** for work ******** In **** ********* employees *** their personal ********* *** ***** ******** merit ***** **** of **** **** that *** ************ computers *** ***** ***** ******** use ******** the ****** ** *** system to organizational ************ helps ** ******** the ****** as **** ** saving *** ************ from network ********* ****** *** ******** *** used *** ******* ********* *** ********* ** * company have *** ******** ** accessing ***** **** *** *** ******* ** *** **** they *** ***** ***** ***** **** *** *** **** to the **** ** *** ************ Furthermore *** sites prevent the employees **** ********** the duties **** *** assigned ************ ******* ********* ******* **** *** ********* **** **** use *** ***** *** the ******** ******** ** is usually **** when the ************ *********** ******** ***** **** *** *** to ** ******** ** *** ********* **** ************* **** ** ***** *** ******* ** the ********* **** accessing *** ****** ***** ************ application ** *** ****** *** ******** system ** *** ability ** provide ****** to *** company *** ******** and *** routers can ** ********** **** ‘bad’ ***** *** ****** ****** and ******** ******** ****** will ******* ** alert **** *** ‘bad’ ***** have been detected *** ******** is **** ** ******* *** ************ ******* spoofing and ***** ********** The ****** **** **** *** organization ******* potential ******* ** *** systemThe *********** ** ********** *** those ************* **** *** **** to improve ***** ******** ******* **** ****** ***** access *** ******* an ***** system Organizations benefit **** ******** ******** through the application of * ****** ***** ** ******** *** ****** ******** ******** ******** ***** *** ******** ******** ******** ******** ** is better ** **** **** **** ** *** ******** *** ** *** ********* ********* ** ******** ******* Organizations are also **** ** ******* **** ****** *** ******* ** control ***** **** *** *** *** ****** *** *** **** ** ******* ** *** ****** **** aspect of ******* ** ********** since *** company can ******* the productivity ** its ********* ** also ***** *** ******** of *** ******* ** ******** **** the ******* is **** **** ************ ********* **** ****** **** they are ******* ** any ********* ** the ****** *** ****** help *** ******* embrace **** ** ******** potential **** ** *** ****** *** alerts also **** *** ********* identify ********* misuse ** *** ****** ********** measures *** be ********** ** *** company can ******** ****** ** *** ***** ** *** ******************* router ******** greater potential ** the ******* **** **** linking *** company ** *** ******** ******* provider ******** has ***** that *** ****** can ****** be integrated **** *** ******** ****** ** ******* the ******** ************ of *** ****** The ****** ** **** to ** **** ** ********* ****** ****** ********* ******* *** *********** **** access *** ****** *** ****** to ** * *** ****** ******* ** *** hardware components ** ******** ********* ********* ****** ******** will ******* ********* ******** ****** On the ***** hand *** ******** ****** enhances *** software security capabilities ** *** ****** *** ******** protects ******* ******* malware *** other security ******* ** the system ** ********* *** router *** ******** *** ******** ** an ************ ** even home ** enhanced *** ****** ********* ********* ******** weaknesses ** *** ******** The ******** ******** *** ********** ** *** ******** provided by the ****** ***** ******** *** ********* ******** the security capabilities of a system ***** from ********* security *** ****** *** ******** security ****** ******* ***** ******** to ********** and ************* *** ******** include the possibility of *********** *** ******* of *** organization and limiting *** *** ** *** ****** for ************** ******** ** ******* *** ****** *** firewall ******** ****** *** ******** *** ************ ** *** organization The ***** *** shown **** it ** possible to ******** *** ******** ** * ****** ******* *** hardware *** software ********* ** ** **** **** the organization ********* ***** ******** to ******** ****** *** ******** ****** The security ******* ** the ************ ******* require that more *** *** components ** the ****** *** ************ ** ********* ******* ******** ******* ******** from *** ****** **** ******** ********** ****** be incorporated ** securing *** *************************************************************** * E ****** V ***** McGeer * * ****** ** Patent ** ******* Washington *** US Patent and Trademark OfficeNewman * (2018) Networks ****** ********** ************** * ******* * ***** ******** T (2015) ****** *** ***** ****** ************ ******** ****** *** ************ ************ IEEE ************ ** ***** **** **** 618-626Tan * ** X ***** Dong * (2016) ******* ** ********** router security ********* for ********** ******** ******** **** ************** ******* ***** *******