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Research Topic

Please pay close attention to the details as they must be followed exactly.

Due: Wednesday, Apri 19, 2017 12 pm EST.

This is a graduate level paper.  Must be well thought, thorough, well researched, and well written.

Research Topic:

Do you think businesses should voluntarily undertake environmental improvement efforts beyond those required by law? Why or why not? (ch. 11).


APA 6th Edition  Format. 

500 – 700 word (no more or no less).  Cover and reference page are not part of word count.

Use these headings in the paper

    • Introduction

    • Do you think business should voluntarily undertake environment improvement efforts beyond those required by the law? Your position will be yes

    • Analytical discussion and 1 real business case of why they should

    • Conclusion (with bibilica reference to close point from a Christian perspective)

Specific Details on the paper:

    • APA 6th Edition  Format. 

    • 500 – 700 word (no more or no less).  Cover and reference page are not part of word count.

    • References and Sources
      • 1 Biblical source (NVI). 
        • Integrate biblical ideas from a Christian perspective on the point of your paper (do not tell a bible story)
      • 2 Scholarly Sources (with online perma link) (reputable periodical business magazines.  Can not be academic books)
      • 2 scholarly journals (with online perma link) Peer to peer, periodical journal publications. 
      • Chapter 11 of Text Book.  Incorporate some of the major ideas from the chapter (attached in request…citation listed below)
        • Lawrence & Weber, 2014. Business & society: Stakeholders, ethics and public policy, Chapter 11
        • Incorporate major ideas from the chapter of the textbook in which the question was
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