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Respond to...The concept of marketing management has never been clearly defined as to how far can it go in its function and I believe this has caused a lot of misunderstanding over the years. Marketin

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The concept of marketing management has never been clearly defined as to how far can it go in its function and I believe this has caused a lot of misunderstanding over the years. Marketing is well-defined as “ a corporate state of mind that insists of the integration and coordination of all marketing functions which, in turn, are melded with other corporate functions, for the basic objective of producing maximum long-range corporate profits” (Houston, 1986, 81). It is a vivacious industry and a necessary element for companies to increase their revenue. The practice of marketing allows the creation of a process responsible for identifying, anticipating, and satisfying customer requirements in a profitable manner.

The administration of marketing management as well as advertising in overall is viewed differently by many people and it has lots of elements that separate one from another. The market management process is a set of processes for creating, communicating, and deliver value to customers and it also examine situations, identify opportunities, make provision for needs and wants, allows the creation of strategies in order to make better choices, achieve the plan, and observe the results (Finch, 2012).

I personally view marketing as a tool used by companies to stimulate the public to purchase their goods, services or products. A good example would be when a food commercial is presented on the television instantly the brain is stimulated in a way that you desire to try that food or visit that restaurant. There are many cases where a false advertisement is presented or exaggerated misleading to the public. Other times there is a limited amount of an item so when the person arrives and don’t get what they needed they will probably end up buying something else equal or higher in value.

According to Houston “In a commercial venture, the ultimate goal is some form of profit achievement…” (Houston, 1986, 82).

Many sales representative use marketing to the fullest advantage and lure people into buying something that they really don’t need. Nevertheless, I don’t believe that all companies are dishonest and only want to lure customers to buy something irrelevant as they use marketing techniques and I do agree that business utilizes marketing to fulfill increase their profit. Possessing the title of a marketer is a role, and marketers, like a lot of other people, have many roles at a times (Houston, 1986).

The ultimate objective of marketing management is the establishment of an exchange that satisfies both the company and the customer.


Finch, J. (2012). Managerial marketing [Electronic version]. Retrieved from https://ashford.content.edu

Houston, F. (1986). The Marketing Concept: What it is and What It Is Not. Journal of Marketing. Vol. 50, 81-87

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I believe that marketing was a concept used to get consumers to purchase items. Often, time stuff they may not even need, but the add was appealing.Our reading, marketing defined as Marketing, is a customer-focused philosophy of business that provides the basis for competition in most business-to-consumer and business-to-business markets ( Finch, 2012). The understanding I currently have of marketing is to reach consumer to give them knowledge of products that are available for their use. As a business owner customer can does not purchase my items if they are not made aware of the availabilities of the product. Information sharing, in my opinion, is another way to define marketing. Sharing valuable information to give the consumer a choice on what is available and best suit there needs. Marking management is the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating, and satisfying customer requirements profitably (Finch,2012). Cooperations spend millions of dollars each year to accomplish the task of identifying the needs of customers and then meeting those need with there products. There are several means of doing this, advertisement, web survey, or sending a sample to the home address.I do not think marketing is meant to target the consumer to spend unwisely, but give them an option.

Finch, J., (2012). Managerial marketing [Electronic version]. Retrieved from https://ashford.content.edu

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My understanding of the role of marketing and the marketing management process is that they are business tools used to create consumer awareness and demand for products or services that the business can supply.  Marketing tools are neither good nor bad; they are used by ethical and unethical people to promote and sell products to consumers.   I also agree that many marketers encourage consumers to spend more than they should.

Products or services offered in a highly competitive market and or unnecessary market tend to employ more high-pressure sales tactics and unethical uses of marketing tactics than established or consumer commodity items.  For example, the Verizon, AT&T, Dish TV, and Direct TV sales force will follow you through Sam’s Club or Costco’s to try and get you to switch carriers or buy their product.  They need to create a need or sense of urgency to pressure you to make a snap decision that is very hard to get out after signing the contract. 

Another example of creating unnecessary needs and wants is the banking industry.  Years ago credit cards were only issued if you were a good credit risk and the bank was generally assured you pay back the charges on the card.  Today credit cards are handed out like candy to individuals who generally cannot pay them off every month and also to college students (with no income) to develop a habit of using them to continue to feed the instant gratification society we live in.   

Although there are many “bad” uses of marketing I believe that most ethical companies do act as stated by the American Marketing Society, “…marketing management can be understood as “a set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders,” (as cited by Finch, 2012, sect. 1.1).  

Finch, J. (2012). Managerial marketing [Electronic version]. Retrieved from https://ashford.content.edu

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