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Respond to...The GE website does a good job in influencing the consumer that GE can serve the current needs of patients as well as showcasing the latest technology that can assist patients. By selecti

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The GE website does a good job in influencing the consumer that GE can serve the current needs of patients as well as showcasing the latest technology that can assist patients. By selecting a named brand like GE, the consumer is provided confidence that the consumer is making the correct decision.

GE does a good job of providing a website that is appealing and easy to navigate. It provides brand-specific items that GE has to offer its consumers which include explanations, descriptions, and picture of what the company has to offer. The website shows actual health solutions to some of the most important consumer issues. It shows that GE products have innovation and technology to meet the needs of their patients.

GE is not marketing strategies to motivate consumers to their products. Although GE shows their products it does not communicate how their products are better than their competitor nor does it show how their products are superior. Techniques used to advertise production should heighten the brand and their special features and promotion (Finch, 2012). 

GE is attempting to educate their consumers in their products however not providing the benefits of their products over their competitors. They could also improve their marketing message by going beyond the online media descriptions by reaching out to the providers to show them firsthand how their products and service can assist patient care.

Finch, J. (2012). Managerial Marketing. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

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Viewing GE Healthcare’s page was a very appealing visit, visually. I found the colors to be eye catching and the featuring of their advanced technology to be attention grabbing and impactful. While scrolling through their site, I found the visuals to be intriguing, but I found the ease of use to be nonexistent. GE Healthcare is utilizing the Information Search and Evaluation of Alternatives Stages (Finch, 2012) to their advantage. After having read through their brief synopsis of their new technology, I find myself asking the question: does my current healthcare plan afford me the same care and experience? It eludes to the technology being better and more advanced, but does not go into detail about what makes them more advanced.

Additionally, from my experience flipping through and browsing their webpage, it appears you have too sign up in order to get more information than is advertised on their main webpage. This is very well done for those who are seriously investigating new healthcare, but for those who are simply looking around to browse, this is not very inviting. Signing up to access any kind of information can be risky, and assumes everyone who signs up has a need for constant communication from that company. I think they could improve what information was shared on the webpage and depending on how successful their technology is, I would love to see it in action; whether that be through a video clip, hospital staff reviews or testimonies, etc.

I think it would be wise of them to look further into what consumers look for when browsing for health insurance. Everyone I know has insurance through their work and has little to no say in the supplier. It would be beneficial of them to advertise their healthcare plans more directly to companies who are capable of providing insurance to a broader customer base. I think the visuals alone will bring traffic, but the lack of information will cause what traffic the site brought, to quickly dissipate.

Reference Finch, J. (2012). Managerial marketing [Electronic version]. Retrieved from

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General Electric is an incredibly large company that has its far-reaching corporate hand in everything from toaster ovens to MRI machines. The GE Healthcare website is set up as a business to business type website where the main consumers are hospitals and large health care organizations. The design of the website is clean and very easy to navigate. You can tell this website is catering specifically to buyers in the healthcare industry because, as easy as it is to navigate the site, the products being sold and offered on the website are fairly technical and complex. As I am coming from an extremely novice medical background, I had to dig pretty deep in some of the sections in order to determine what it was some of these machines actually did. As Finch (2012) states, in the business to business market transactions are managed by professional buyers and influenced by in-house experts and the buyers are relatively few and often similar. This website is definitely designed for experts in the healthcare buying industry.

                As mentioned earlier, GE definitely has figured out how to make the website navigation friendly. Across the top of the site, you can find high level areas like Products & Services, Education and Specialties. Experts in the healthcare industry will find this useful as they are able to hone in specifically on the line of products they are looking to purchase. As you proceed through the site and look for a specific product type, you are able to find all of the different options the company offers for similar products and services. The site also does a great job of providing contact information for GE product experts who can give further details on the products, which actually leads to some of the weaknesses I see and ways to improve the site.

                I am making an assumption that this site is designed to be used by people familiar with the type of equipment and services being offered because the product descriptions are brief at best. I suppose that GE’s thought behind this is to have the potential client call in where they can speak with a sales professional who can answer any questions a potential client may have. So where I see this as a weakness of the site, it could be intentionally done to encourage contact with their sales people. Another area for improvement that I could be taking a simple and naïve approach to, is the fact that I did not see a price anywhere on the cite. Perhaps they don’t want you to know right away?

                In terms of market research, I am assuming that GE has determined that their website is just a jumping off point or a starting position for buyers to begin their initial research. Most of the products and services being sold on the GE site are big ticket purchases that experts spend weeks and sometimes even longer deciding on. With this in mind, I think that through research GE may find that an additional website that is extremely technical on the products and contains financing information may compliment this introductory website well. I doubt that any of the potential purchasers of an MRI machine are making their final decision off of this website alone, so research may show that buyers are in fact seeking more technical information that they can pull off of a different website.

Finch, J (2012) Managerial Marketing, Retrieved from

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