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Response L_S


In my understanding of Milaeno’s point regarding procreation and reproduction, he stated that procreation is the natural gift of God to human to enjoy sex and procreate or produce an heir or kinship and, this is very important to human. On the other hand, he described reproduction as the reproducing of children with an aid of invitro fertilization, by injecting of gamete to the embryo, and other means of producing a child such as with the use of a surrogate mother. The same as well as the begotten and being made, he described as the same as procreation vs. reproduction. According to the author, reproducing or making children in a different way than what God planned is wrong because it separates the body and spirit in which, we were made; it has taken away the plan of God, and it makes the children confused of its kinship.

In my personal opinion, Milaeno is right in some ways such as the loss of kinship however, in most ways, I disagree with him. Kinship maybe is important however, what matters is that the child is raised normally in a healthy family. My heart aches to see poor homeless children walking on the streets barely clad and without shoes; to hear many children in the third world who are hungry or are working at a very young age to survive their parents. For this reason, I ask God, “Why Lord do you give these people children whom they can’t even provide?”

Moreover, I totally disagree of his other reason that our body must be together and not separated from the Spirit. In truth, I can’t fully understand what he meant by this but, there is a text in the Bible that says, when we die or body returns to dust where we came from while our spirit or breath is taken back by God. Moreover, there are instances in the Bible as stated by Daniel and other prophets who said that they were taken away by the Spirit of God to some place and showed visions. Nevertheless, he may be saying this because, by reproducing human life thru artificial means is going beyond the freedom bestowed upon us by God that separates us from the will of God.

Finally, I truly believe that God gave human that knowledge on how to help those people who are unfortunately did not have a child. These kind of event in our life’s history here on earth has been written in the Bible which says, “In the last days, the knowledge of men will increase…” Therefore, I believe that this is the will of God however, let us use it in the right reason and manner and not, to abuse the “freedom” (Milaeno) and the wisdom given us by God.

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