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Responses needed

Need a 200 words minimum response on each with reference. Need by Thursday evening.

Text: Business Driven Information Systems, Ch. 3.1 & 3.2: Web 1.0: Ebusiness & Web 2.0: Business 2.0


Compare disruptive and sustaining technologies and explain how the Internet and WWW caused business disruption.


Describe ebusiness and its associated advantages.


Compare the four ebusiness models.


Describe the six ebusiness tools for connecting and communicating.


Identify the four challenges associated with ebusiness.

Text: Business Driven Information Systems, Ch. 4.2: Information Security


Describe the relationships and differences between hackers and viruses.


Describe the relationship between information security policies and an information security plan.


Provide an example of each of the three primary information security areas: (1) authentication and authorization, (2) prevention and resistance, and (3) detection and response.

Text: Business Driven Information Systems, Ch. 5.1: MIS Infrastructures


Explain MIS infrastructure and its three primary types.


Identify the three primary areas associated with an information MIS infrastructure.


Describe the characteristics of an agile MIS infrastructure.

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