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Review all of the sentences.Be aware of comma splices, fragments and run-on sentences.If the sentence is incorrect you must rewrite it.If the...

Review all of the sentences. Be aware of comma splices, fragments and run-on sentences. If the sentence is incorrect you must rewrite it. If the sentence is correct then write correct. Please be aware that parts of the sentence might be incorrect; read every sentence carefully. 

13. I updated my gradebook reviewed content and updated lessons for the next class I try to organize all of the necessary materials by the end of the week so I don't have to rush on the weekend that way I won't have to rush if other events require my attention. 

14. As the semester comes to an end make sure to give yourself enough time to end all of your assignments, that way you won't have to rush through important assignments also it is important to give yourself enough time to study for your final exams because they are comprehensive exams you don't want to jeopardize your grade by failing to prepare for an exam that could be worth as much as 30% of your overall grade. 

15. Lucas through the door tired, he refused to follow directions. 

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