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Review the 5 stages of consumer decision making and the Howard-Sheth model of consumer decision making. Then answer the following: part I.

Review the 5 stages of consumer decision making and the Howard-Sheth model of consumer decision making.

Then answer the following:

part I. Explain your decision process for any extended problem solving decision you have made recently. Go through each stage and be detailed about what you did to make your decision.

1. Need recognition (how did you recognize the need? why do you need "it"?)

2. Information search (be specific in discussing the sources you used; which had the most credibility/influence and why?)

3. Alternative evaluation (what criteria did you use? which criteria were most and least important?)

4. Purchase (how did you actually buy this - store, online, catalog? why did you choose this method of purchase)

5. Post purchase behavior - discuss your satisfaction level and why you were or were not satisfied. Did you experience any cognitive dissonance? Explain.

part II. Identify THREE products that you buy routinely (routinized response behavior). How do these products differ from your example for part I?

(Howard - Sheth model):

Extensive problem solving - early stages of decision making in which the buyer has little information about brands and has not yet developed well defined and structured criteria by which to choose among products. BUYER GOES THROUGH ALL 5 STAGES OF THE DECISION MAKING PROCESS. SPENDS A LOT OF TIME ON INFORMATION SEARCH AND EVALUATING ALTERNATIVES. (examples: house, car, spouse, college (for some), vacation (for some))

Limited problem solving - this is a more advanced stage - choice criteria are well defined but the buyer is still undecided about which set of brands will best serve him/her. Thus the consumer still experiences uncertainty about which brand is best. BUYER GOES THROUGH ALL 5 STAGES, BUT DOES NOT SPEND "SIGNIFICANT" TIME ON INFORMATION SEARCH AND EVALUATING ALTERNATIVES. (examples: clothing, appliances, jewelry, college (for some), vacation (for some))

Routinized response behaviour - buyers have well defined choice criteria and also have strong predispositions toward the brand. Little confusion exists in the consumer's mind and he/she is ready to purchase a particular brand with little or no evaluation of alternatives. PURCHASE BY HABIT. NO SEARCH FOR INFORMATION. NO EVALUATION. GO FROM NEED RECOGNITION TO INTENTION. (examples: snack food, toothpaste, soda pop, gum, tissues, vacation (for some)).

5 Stages of Consumer Decision Making Process

-Need Recognition.

-Searching and gathering Information.

-Evaluating the Alternatives.

-Actual Purchase of the Product or the Service.

-Post Purchase Evaluation.

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