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Review the following website. Specifically look at one industry, company or politician that is of interest to you. Follow the money trail and report your findings from a sociological perspective. Reme

Review the following website. Specifically look at one industry, company or politician that is of interest to you. Follow the money trail and report your findings from a sociological perspective. Remember to also look for academic sociology journal articles about your topic or industry to include in your analysis.

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******************************** *********** ON ******* COMPANY Name:Institution:Course ************* Title:Instructor’s Name:Due Date:          IntroductionThere are ***** approaches ** ************ ************ ***** ******** structural ********** ******** ******** interaction ******** *** conflict ******** ***** ***** *** society ** ********** by ******** ****** ** *** society ********** ***** holding ********* ********* **** **** on increasing ***** power through ****** **** ***** **** of *** ******** ******** **** companies and ********** ***** ****** ** ***** *** ***** ** *** ****** society *** instead serves *** ***** ** **** * *** peopleSpotify companySpotify ** * ***************** music website which ******** ********* from various parts ** the ***** (Spotifycom) ** *** year **** *** ******* *** *** ******* ****** subscribers ***** means **** the ******* ***** ******** ******** ********* ** *** **** *********** financial report the ******* paid ** ******* ** ******* royalties and ****** ******* of various ****** and publishers ****** 2022) It ** a ***** move to support *** ****** ** *** music ******** ******* *** *** ****** of ***** ****** ******** ** **** *** company was able ** ***** **** *** subscribers? ***** ** * **** *********** that ******* ******** * ********** ***** ****** of money ******** ** *** ****** income ** the ******************* ********************* ********** ******** ****** **** *** ******* ** **** ** ** * ********* ***** are ********* ** ******* ************** The ************ ** a **** ******* ** *** ******* affects the ****** society Considering the ***** ** ******* there ** ** ******** ******** ** ensuring **** ******** ******** ***** ******** amount ** ******* **** ******** affects *** ****** ******* ** the *********** contributes *** ***** favorite ******* but **** * ******* ****** ** ***** ** given ** ************ approach considers *** ******* ** ** ever ***** event ******* new **** ***** **** ** ** ******* *** **** ***** are ***** ******* ********* ** ******* ***** exploited the ******** artists whereby some ********* ********* ** the approach ** **** *** ****** whether Spotify will exist ** not but ******* ****** which *** same ****** **** **** ********** approach ****** **** the ******* is **** ** ** unequal ************ of ********* ******* some ****** **** ****** ****** shares **** ****** *** ******** ****** **** ****** ******* ** *** ***** **** ** ******* *** *** **** of Spotify ***** *** ****** ******* **** * ****** share of *** ****** ****** ***** ***** controlling *** site got *** ******* ******************* ** * ****** case ***** represents ******* ***** ******* ***** in *** ******* **** ***** **** led ** the ********* ** the ***** ** ********** ***** ***** to subdivide the ******* depending ** material ****** **** ******* *** levels ** the ******* whereby those ** ***** keeps on ********* their ***** of income ***** ***** ** *** low ***** ******* ** *** **** ******** ********************************* * (2013)Knowledge ideology & ********** * ************ *********** Routledge ****************************************************************************************************** * ***** **** 24th) ******* **** Out ** Billion to *** ***** ******** ** **** ********** ****************************************************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************************

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