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revised and edit it Also on the article, "Human and Civil Rights" (Bill of Rights,2006), the ten amendments approved on December 15, 1791 after that...

revised and edit it

Also on the article, “Human and Civil Rights” (Bill of Rights,2006), the ten amendments approved on December 15, 1791 after that day it was known as the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights represents and clarify the freedoms of every individual. The Bill of Rights doesn’t discuss what nationality or crimes suspects gave to committed to receive so they can receive the Bill of Rights. Terrorist should have the right to Miranda Warnings as every citizen in all over the countries. U.S citizens have done terrorist attacks in the United States of America and have been process using the Miranda Warnings. Terrorists should have the same equality and fairness no matter what crimes they committed. As the article explains, the Miranda warnings falls doesn’t to the 5th amendments and 6 amendments. The 5th amendment concludes the right ta a speedy and public trial, by having a jury of the state and district where the crime was committed. The defendant can confront the witness against him and can get witness in his favor (Bill of Rights, 2006). In the dame way the 6th amendment explains the rights of a trial by a jury should be present. Terrorist should have the right to free expression without the fear of government and protect the people from the government’s power to punish in a malice way.

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