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Risk Analysis Project The objective of this project is to develop a Risk Assessment Report for a company, government agency, or other organization....

I need a "Risk Analysis project" 12 pages double space in the computer field.The objective of this project is to develop a Risk Assessment Report for a company, government agency, or other organization. I need you to consider government agency Department of Commerce (BEA) Bureau of Economic Analysis. I am attaching two documents. I have already written the brief proposal and have submitted and approved (You will submit a brief proposal (page and half long, double-spaced) in session 4. The proposal should include description of the organization you are proposing to analyze, scope (e.g., entire organization, key business area, major system, etc.) for the risk assessment, research methods to be used and preliminary list of research information sources and references). Now is the time to write a full Risk Analysis proposal. I want Smart1Education to get it done for me. I APPRECIATE YOUR HELP. PLEASE ASK ME IF YOU FURTHER EXPLANATION. THANKS,

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