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s Save What is public administration? How does public administration differ from business administration? What central problem(s) does the field face?...

What is public administration? How does public administration differ from business administration? What central problem(s) does the field face? Path: body Provide a statement of your personal code of ethics. Include at least two principles in your statement and give an explanation and justification for each of these principles derived from your reading of the pertinent literature, and from the discussion threads. Also discuss whether you believe that a person's personal ethical code ever clashes with organizational ethics and expectations. Path: body Please read Charles E. Lindblom's article "The Science of Muddling Through in Public Administration:Concepts and Cases (pages 223-233)." What is the significance of this article? Path: body Describe the policy process and the actors who play significant roles in shaping administrative issues? Path: body Government has been moving to "privatization" of some goods and services. How will this trend affect intergovernmental relations. Path: body
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