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Section 3 - Directions:Answer these questions in complete sentences. 1.What caused George to stop playing mean-spirited jokes on Lennie?

Section 3 - Directions:Answer these questions in complete sentences.1.What caused George to stop playing mean-spirited jokes on Lennie?1.What detail is added to the Weed story when George confides in Slim?1.Carlson offers a simple solution to the problem of Candy’s dog’s smell and feebleness: shot it. Slim concurs, saying that the old dog only suffers. What is the significance of this scene?1.When Carlson starts to take Candy’s dog out to be shot, Slim reminds him to “take a shovel.” What does he mean?1.The discussion of Curley’s wife leads Whit to invite Geoge to come with the other men “to old Susy’s place.” What is “old Susy’s place,” and what purpose does it serve in the novel?1.What is Candy’s reaction to the gunshot and later to Carlson cleaning his gun?1.What is the attraction off the vision of the farm and the rabbits to Candy?1.Why does Candy say that he should have shot his own dog?1.Why is Slim angry with Curley when they return to the bunk house?1.Why does Curley attack Lennie?Character AnalysisCharacterization is the method used by a writer to develop how the character looks, acts, and thinks. Directions: Read the following passage from the novel and answer the questions that follow it. Refer directly to the passage for support. Answer in complete sentences.“He ain’t no cuckoo,” said George. “He’s dumb as hell, but he ain’t crazy. An’ I ain’t so bright neither, or I wouldn’t by buckin’ barley for my fifty and found. If I was bright, if I was even a little bit smart, I’d have my own little place, an’ I’d be bringin’ in my own crops, ‘stead of doin’ all the work and not getting what comes up outa the ground.” George fell silent. He wanted to talk. Slim neither encouraged nor discouraged him. He just sat back quiet and receptive.1.Why does George feel that he’s not intelligent?1.Why does George need to talk?1.Why does Slim neither encourage nor discourage George from talking?Thematic AnalysisA theme is a general concept or idea, such as love, justice or sorrow. One way to help you think of themes is to complete the following sentence: “This is a book about _________________.” The theme of the American Dream permeates John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men; several of the major characters seek a version of the American Dream.Directions: Answer the following questions in complete sentences.1.What is the “American Dream”?1.Specifically, what “American Dream” are each characters persuing? Use examples from the book (with page numbers).•George•Lennie•CandyLiterary Analysis: Point of ViewThe point of view is the way that the narrator sees the events in the story. Of Mice and Men is written from an objective, third-person point of view. The benefit of this choice is the reader is aware of everything that happens in the novel. The drawback is that the reader cannot enter into the thoughts and emotions of any one character. Use this opportunity to explore the effects of using a first-person point of view from the story. Directions: In the space provided, rewrite one page from Section 3 in the first person (use I, me, my). View the scene through the eyes of any of the following characters: George, Slim, Lennie, Carlson, Candy, Crooks, or Curley. Add feelings and ideas that are consistent with the character’s personality. Include the page reference for the passage you are rewriting.First-Person Rewrite:
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