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******** ****** ProjectStudent NameInstitutional ***************** CodeInstructor's ******** ** Submission  1) ******** ****** ***** ********* ****** ********************* *** I *** **** * ***** of ******* and **** **** ***** my successes ** *** **** ** ** **** *** ****** in ***** ***** **** *** ***** me **** ** ***** **** * pastime ********* ******** or sport **** ****** *** to **** *********** (From ******* Greenberg PhD is *** ************ ***** **** *********** ** * was ************ ******** ********** ** junior **** of **** ****** * struggled to juggle schooling *** *********** self-care *** *********** **** I *** *** accomplish *** ** the ****** * **** like * failureResult: * *** *** **** ***** *** * *** *** ********** ***** ************* ** During ** first semester ** college I *** nothing *** **** *** school **** ** ************* I was continually ******* **** ************* 3: **** semester * have ****** ** ****** *** ** my *** interests ******* * ****** ** ***** 20 ***** **** **** *** **** *** had **** ** **** **** *** I *** ****** **** *** **** * **** **** * ***** ** weekendsResult: I am glad **** I ***** ******** * job **** * ************ 4: ****** ** ********* I **** ****** ********* ** **** ******* ** ** **** *********** *** ***** ******** happy When ** **** * ****** supper I have ****** *** ***** of ****** ************** * ** ********* with ****** *** making ********* ********** *** *********** ** ** a tiny accomplishment **** * *** regularly haveExample ** **** * am ******* I ******** *** ********* * ***** ** pour *** of ** stress **** exercise to ****** more focused *** ********** I **** ******** ** ****** *** **** ******** Personal ****** Idea: **** with Social ******* *********** **** basic ******** *** **** **** ** ****** ** conquer **** **** of *********** ******** ** the ******* of *********** ***** ******** ***** *** two ***** ** ********* ****** *** indirect" *** 84 ** Dying of ************* ** Barbara G Markway PhD *** Cheryl N ****** *** *** * Alec ******* *** Teresa ***** *********** ** * *** coworker *** ******* to see * band **** we ******* *** *** ******* ** I ******** since * *** not *********** ***** ****** *** ******* ** *********** She *** **** ** **** one of *** band's ******* If * *** **** * ***** **** met **** ** wellExample ** * ****** ******* ** to her family's birthday ****** I **** ********* about *** **** ** ******** the lone ****** ***** ****** members I declined and ******* ****** *** ***** ** * giftResult: * **** incredibly ***** and **** * *** ****** She *** **** ******* with ** ******* I avoided her **************** ** * *** * ****** *********** **** this ****** this ******** Her ************* ** expecting * ***** *** I **** **** ******* to *** baby ****** **** time * ******** the ********** *** will *** *** ****** ** ****** *** the ***** *********** *** ******* to ******** ** effort to **** ****** ******* of my ******* **** ***** ***** ***** of ********** * finally *** ** **** *** familyExample 4: In March * ******* ** first *** After around ***** ****** ** ********** was ***** ** ******* ** to a ******* *** I ****** ***** ***** * *** ********** ** ******* **** irate ******* ******* stupid for *** ******** things ******* enough ** ******* with ******* customers if * *** **** ************** ******* * ******** ****** ** quit ***** ** ******* and ****** *** offerResult: * *** ******** *** I ****** that * *** * ******* ** ** first ********** ** ****** than ******* for ****** ** ****** ** ** activities *** being caught *** guard * ****** *** ***** *** ****** them so **** * can **** **** ****** *** control *** settingResult: * am more relaxed *** open ** people **** new *************** ******** ****** ***** ****** ** with ***************** "Psychologists ****** ****** and ******* ********** ********* ******* ***** **** asked *********** ** ***** **** ** ***** **** ******* big or ******* *** ***** **** feel ******** ***** **** ** **** ************ * habit ** ** longer **** * ******** occasion to **** us glad" (From *** **** **** ******* ** Tal ********** PhD pp *********** ** I ** connected **** * propensity ** ** ungrateful and ********* ***** ****** in ** **** I was ***** ***** * still *** not **** ** ******** license Every *** * ******** ** ******* was ******* me ***** ** **** of *************** My ****** *** friends ****** ********* *** *** *** **** appreciatedExample 2: **** I first *** ** first *** *** ******* school I quickly ****** *********** *** ***************** * *** *** ********* **** *** incidentExample 3: **** * ******* **** ******** ***** the first ***** * *** *** ********** the ********** * like ** supervisor ******* he ***** **** ** ******** ******** *** is ******** **** we **** together ** ****** ***** togetherResult: I *********** ** working ************ 4: ** *** second *** * ******* ****** ** life *** ******** that my brother *** ****** ****** ******** As a ****** ** ****** and I were ********* ******* ** *** ******* ****** ** *** proved that ** ** much ************** * started ************ the happiness ** ***** ************* 5: **** **** I *** ** **** *** ** ********** owing ** * **** ** **** *** my refusal ** ******* **** * significant debt *** ******* ********** me ** *** ***** *** ** practicing **** ******** I discovered gratitude *** how ****** ****** out Thanks to * *********** I discovered * *** ******** for * ** now ********* ******* *** free *** *** **** ***** ************ * *** able ** **** a lot ** ***** *** I am ** ****** ******* ** ** ******* *** **** **** to attend their ***** **************** ******** ****** Idea: ****** * ****** *************** "I **** a *** attitude ** ** **** *** ******* of ********** to ******* ** all * asked ****** **** ***** ******* in **** of *** **** areas ** ** **** **** **** ********* ** *** ***** *** ********* PhD's book **** ******* **** **** ***** * ****** ******** ****** ****** *** personal health *** the **** most significant *********** ** ** lifeExample 1: ** **** school I would ***** everyone including ****** by ******** that ********** was perfect ********* ** *** ****** and * *** ***** entirely content **** *** end ************* * ****** unhappy ***** my conditionsExample 2: ******* **** * ***** ** ** **** ****** * became * ******** *** did ********** * askedResult: * *** ******* ******* * ***** *** ** received **** ** ** ************* 3: ******* ** ***** ******** ****** job ********* ** **** to ** the ********* ******* I ******* on ** ********** ** ********** **** ********* ** ** more ******* my **** *********** *** *** **** ***************** ** * attempted *** ** **** *** **** ***** ** **** ******** **** ******** * *** ** best **** **** *** ******** ** ** without ******** ********** ** ****** ** *********** ** **** **** increased *** * ****** **** ************** ** * ******* setting ********* objectives regarding fitness *** ****** * ** ***** ******** how ** ** ******* ******** junk ********* **** ****** ** ********* So instead I **** ****** ******* for avoiding ******** ********** ** *** *** a given ****** ** *********** * am **** aware of ****** ** allowing myself ** ****** * *** resist junk **** *** ******* **** ***** This ** * ************ ********** *** ***************** * **** ****** ********* Mental ****** Crisis ********** ********** ********* J * (1994) Dying ** ************** **** *** ****** ******* *** phobia Barbara G ******* ****** * ****** C Alec Pollard *** ****** ***** ******* CA: *** Harbinger ************ **** 202 ** ***** ********************* * ***** ******* * (2017) The *** ** leadership: How ******** ********** *** maximize **** impact (and **** *** ******** ** a challenging ***** John ***** & ********

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