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Select 1 of the following anxiety disorders:Panic disorderAgoraphobiaGeneralized anxiety disorderProvide the following details about the disorder:What are some of the symptoms?What would this disorder
Select 1 of the following anxiety disorders:
- Panic disorder
- Agoraphobia
- Generalized anxiety disorder
Provide the following details about the disorder:
- What are some of the symptoms?
- What would this disorder look like in person? Make sure you relate this back to the DSM criteria.
- What is its prevalence in the U.S. population?
- What is your perception of potential impact on workplace performance?
- Discuss 1 type of treatment approach that has shown to be successful in treating the disorder you selected.
- What is the long-term prognosis (i.e., can it get better?)?
Provide 1–2 sources (other than your textbook) cited in APA style to support your answer.
You may also research the psychological disorders, by reviewing an electronic version of the DSM-5
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********************** ** * **** of ******** ** * **** of anxiety ******** ** which *** have ** ***** **** ******* places that *** ***** *** to feel ******* **** ***** *** to fear ****** **** transportation ***** ** ** **** **** **** are *** ******** **** ***** *** **** ****** ** * ***** *** ********* * ***** alone **** ******* ** ****** ** ************ fear deep **** and ***** ** ** *** you *** *** rid of it **** ****** *** have *********** ** *** to *** fact that they **** ** attack **** **** ***** **** **** ********** People with **** kind ** disorder *** hard to ** ********* ** go ** * *** ***** They **** ****** **** that they **** companyAccording ** ***** health organization **** ***** this ******* ******** *** **** ** due ** ************* factors and conditions ** ***** ******** The ***** ** **** ******** *** *** into ****** blood **** can ********* ** inherited ********* ** the **** ******** *********** ** distinguished ** ****** can be ********** as ****** ****** *********** *** ******** ** *********** ******** **** *** DSM-5 ********* ** the ***** *** symptoms ** *********** ******* ******* ******* ****** **** ** ** she visits an ********** ***** ** ** triggered ** ****** ******* ***** ****** ********* *** **** **** *** ******* **** * ****** ****** the ******* place ****** ***** ****** transport ** or she ***** ******* ******* ** *** ****** ** *** ************* ** ************** the other sign ** * ***** ****** ******** tend ** **** ***** ******* ***** in public ** ******* ****** ********* to ******** psychologist ** ******* ****** ****** ** onset of * panic ****** *********** is ******** from *** body in * very **** ****** **** ********** ***** or ****** *************** *** symptoms can ** *** **** ** ******* **** ***** This **** ** **** ** **** ******* in *********** patient especially ladies ******** **** *** **** ** ***** **** unless **** are ******* **** **** **** **** ******* ******* them for **** ** ** ****** **** shops ***** ** even ** school In addition to **** ***** ******** include *** fear ** ******** places **** * movie ******* cinema ***** ********* *** ***** ****** *** ******** fear that ***** ** * ************ ***** ***** ************** in *** ************ to *** publications ** ********** ***** ** *** **** 2010 Agoraphobia ** the ****** ****** occurs ***** ** ****** in *** as ** **** ** ***** **** ******** affects roughly around ** ** Americans *** **** ** **** are ***** and * ***** of **** ********** **** ******** **************************** can **** * ******** ****** ******* ******* in *** ********* *** ******* a salesperson *** be ***** ** visit a *** ***** *** ***** the current ****** ***** of * given ******* *** ** *** **** *** ******** *** **** ** ** ** **** place **** ***** *** ******* prices **** *** *** **** *** ** she **** ***** ************** Agoraphobia *** ***** ******* to lack of exposure As they say ****** ** ** *** ****** ladder one ***** connection and *** **** *** to *** **** ********** ** through ******** and ******* ****** ** ********* functions **** ** ******* Agoraphobia limits *** this chance **** *** to *** fact **** ******* suffering **** this kind ** disorder avoids **** places (crowdie areas)Treatment **** though **** **** of disorder *** been ***** to ** ******* there is the **** ** ********* ******** **** *** ***** ** ** ********** ** ******** *** disorder *** of **** ********* ** ********** *************** This kind ** ******* treatment ***** ** ******* ******** **** lasting relief **** they **** *********** ****** **** kind ** therapy ******* ******** ****** *** ********* ** places and ******* **** **** **** ** crowd ****** *** other ****** ********** show **** **** **** of ******* *** ***** ** **** ******** ****** ***** ********** therapy *** a **** period of timeThe ***** treatment ** ********* ************* **** **** of treatment involves coaching the ******* * ****** to ******* *** ******* and **** **** *** ******* it ***** *** ******* ** **** * new *********** of *** ******* *** places ** ** *** **** ****