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Select a specific product brand and research its marketing strategy – you must have a citation to support all of your information for full-credit (not just your opinion). This double-spaced, 2-page minimum essay (not including these instructions) should

            Select a specific product brand and research its marketing strategy – you must have a citation to support all of your information for full-credit (not just your opinion). This double-spaced, 2-page minimum essay (not including these instructions) should include 1-2 paragraphs for each of the 4 P’s regarding the brand’s product, price, promotion and place (distribution) strategies. For each, you must evaluate and determine a strategy (from the textbook) for each. For example, you might determine that they have a profit maximization pricing strategy with a high-involvement product using a penetration product strategy, “reminder” advertising strategy, etc. End your essay with a critique of their strategy – would you recommend any changes?

            Each aspect of your strategy evaluation should contain a research source supporting the strategy determination you made (you should end up with at least 4 sources in your works cited). Try finding articles in ADWEEK, or BRANDWEEK or the media section of the New York Times, Boston Globe, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, etc. The brand website can count as one source. Wikipedia will not count as a source.

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