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Serena Carlson is the Manager (at the Seattle office) at a global consulting company, Global Operations Inc. (GOI) with offices worldwide.

job Posting

From: Serena Carlson To: [Your name here] Global HR Director - GOI RE: Consultant position for GOI Title: Global Operations Consultant Location: Various- First year in the U.S. and the rest of the time based in the U.S. but will travel between China, Spain, London, Mexico, Hong Kong, Canada and the U.S. Job Requirements: This candidate will have a degree in Engineering from a recognized University with 15 years of manufacturing experience with several years in Chinese manufacturing and several years in Spanish manufacturing (preferred). They will also have been the Plant Manager for at least one plant for 5 years. They must be fluent in Mandarin Chinese, and have conversational ability in Spanish as well as be fluent in English.The job entails initially consulting for a U.S. client. The right candidate will be spending the first year in the Southwestern U.S. learning the operations of the client and then applying that knowledge to help train and improve operations in the client's plants in China and Spain. They will assist the overseas operations in achievement of production goals, quality management compliance, budgets, profit goals, and operations plans and training to achieve production targets. The candidate will additionally: ● Provide analysis of production capabilities, customer requirements and financial impact, to the site Manager and headquarters of the client (as required by the client) in order to ensure operational efficiencies. ● Recommend adjustments to the client Director of Global Operations and/or CEO per contractual agreement with GOI and client company. ● In intervening assignments and future assignments, the Operations Consultant will spend time consulting in other GOI centers (London, Ottawa, Madrid, Monterrey, Hong Kong, Boston, and Seattle)

Explain a summarized version of the HR discrimination laws involved and how they impact the hiring procedures/process/practice in this particular case.

Determine the employer's liability in terms of discrimination in hiring practices. 2. Resolve the problems with the legality of the current hiring procedures and process using the minimum of seven (7) steps outline below. Recommend the general hiring guidelines and process for the firm (GOI) as a list of a minimum of seven (7) steps to be taken before applying for a visa. We have started an outline for these steps as seen below. Be sure to note in parenthesis what law or government agency law the guideline addresses and how it prevents discrimination.

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