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Sexual Disconnect

Imagine that you are working as a counselor in an elementary school. A teacher has come to you, concerned that a student in her class might have been sexually abused. She explains that she became concerned when two of her 5-year old male students did not come out of the restroom after she called to them several times from the door. When she went in to check on them, she saw the boys facing each other, with Kyle’s pants around his ankles. Brandon was touching Kyle’s penis and both boys were laughing. In addition to her concern about abuse, the teacher is wondering if the boys could be gay.

  • As the counselor, explain to the boys’ teacher whether their behavior is indicative of sexual abuse. Remember to reflect on the research you have learned about, and give details to demonstrate why you might come to that conclusion.
  • How would you respond to the teacher’s question about the boys’ sexual orientation, based on research?
  • What recommendations should you, as the counselor, give to the teacher?  Keep in mind research pertaining to the promotion of healthy sexual development by parents and schools.

Submit your response to the W4: Assignment 3 Dropbox by Week 4, Day 7. Your response should be at least 3 pages long, not counting the cover page and reference page.

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************************** ************************* ********************* Name)(Date) SEXUAL ************* ** ***** this ** ******** **** ** ******** at **** *** ** the ***** this ******* * ********* to ******** ******** ** *** ***** **** this happen ** young ******** ********** ** the *** ** 3 or * ***** *** *** **** ** **** one consideration ***** *** **** ****** this conduct after may ** *** *** *** **** ******* like that ***** ****** ** ******* ** is *** ***** ****** quick ***** ** Homosexuality?Psychologists discovered **** ** * ******* behavior *** children ** the *** ** 3 ** 5 ******* with not **** ********** *** **** ***** **** ** ***** ages In fact ********* to ********* **** ********* ** Psychosexual Growth **** ******** with ******* presents *** ******** ** kids *** ***** *********** ***** ******** *** ***** ** ***** ** ******* ***** ***** occurs ** *** **** ** * or 6 For the ******** ** time ******** intiate *** understanding of *** ****** ******* ******* ***** *** females ******** **** are ***** ** ***** ***** ***** bodies and discover **** (HCSATS ******** Hence ** ** usually ordinary **** *** ****** boys are ********** and intent **** **** ********* ******* ** younger age *********** ****** for ****** ******* and ********* ****** ********* *** **** to ********** ***** *** sexual ********* ** ** not simple ** ** is to ***** *** ** ***** ********* *********** ***** diverse **** an ***** *** the way * ****** ******** to their ******* ********* can have long-lasting ************* ** ***** ****** *********** (Argosy ********* the ***** ******** ******* ** ******* *** *** actual ******* ** the ****** orientation ******** ** ********* sexual ****** and ******** of sensual ****** Many **** start ********** some ***** ** sexual ********** at an ***** ***** of ****** ** ***** *********** *** significance of the ****** ** ********** * participant ** *** opposite *** ***** and ******* but **** ***** ******** are ***** ******** ** *********** ** the ******** gender The ****** for **** ** a ****** ** ***** debate ***** everyone ** awareAccording to ** ******** people *** ******* ********** ** their ****** *********** between middle childhood and ***** *********** (APA ***** ****** ** *** **** ** *** any ****** ******** ** **** **** *** ** ***** of ***** ********* ******** ** ******** ************ **** can ** ******** *** ***** **** ***** ****** *********** ********** ***** *** have ******* know-hows ** discerning *** ******** ** their ****** *********** **** *********** ***** *********** **** ** **** *** **** to ********* ***** sexual ************ *** the **** may be unready ** **** as *** ******* ** *** ***** homosexuality ***** ** ** publicly ***** ** ** ** ******* North ******** *********** ********** customs **** ********** is ********** ******** ********* *** **** ****** *** a ****** ***** * ********** orientation According ** my ******** the *********** ******** developmental ******** societal ******** **** *** cultural inspirations ** *********** *** **** ***** **** ** ******* ****** orientation ** ****** ****** **** ***** Furthermore ***** ** ******** **** ***** that *********** are treated ** a ********* *** **** ************ in ******* ***** ** **** including *** **************** * ***** that from 2 ** *** ** grownups in ** recognize *********** * gay (Savin-Williams RC Cohen ** (2007)) * ***** ** ***** *** *** ***** ********** as *** ***** that *** ****** ***** ************ *** feeling ** the **** ****** while ***** *** ********* ** *** *** ** 14 years ************** 1995)The *********** ** ********** *** ************ ****** *** ***** in the ****** ** their ********* *** ******** gay *** ** *** **** ******* ****** had ************ ******** ***** ** ********** ** ********** **** ******* ********** with the ******** **** **** young **** ****** **** heterosexuals **** with gender identity ******** ***** *** ****** ** ******* ways ***** is **** ******* of *** ******** *** **** ******** are ************* more ****** ** ******* * *** *********** **** those ******* *** ******* ******* ***** ****** ***** ******* & ****** ******* make this **** ***** *********** of various ********* behaviors ** *** ******** *** *********** *** ***** **** orientations ***** ***** ** ****** ***** ***** in **** *** however ** ******** reasons *** *** ******** **** **** *************** There ** **** evidence **** biological factors *** *** **** *** ********* ****** *********** *** ** *** ******* ***** originates from *** **** ******* of sexually ******** kids ** ***** childhood where boys *** ******* ** as daughters Moreover **** studies ******** a ******* ****** ***** is *** ******* ********** of ************* ** ***** than ** ******* twins ********* ************ ************** **** **** ranges ********** ** al 2002; ******* ***** ****** ***** I ***** that a ******** ** the X genetic material shared **** ***** ** brothers who **** **** *** ****** ******** ************** to *** ***** ** ***** be * **** ******* ** ***** ** ***** ****** ********* ** well ** ************ sexual *********** including ************ ***** *** the ******* adequate ** *** **** ** put ** **** the ******* **** would **** ******** to ********** ************ **** personal ****** adolescence strong relationships and teach kids *** to ****** **** *** **** ** and the no will ****** ***** ******* just *** ***** ************ ********* **** **** ******** **** enough ************* ** ***** ****** is ***** ******* ** ** *** ***** ** ******** **** ** result in the sexual ****** ** ***** ************* ****** ****** ******* should ** ****** ********* ********* ** ****** ***** ******** *** **** with real ******** *** also with *** ***** ** accept behaviors **** support **** ** ******** ****** health ******** (eg ******* infection ********** ********** *** ******* ****** ********* (Promoting ******* ****** *********** *** Sexuality ***************************************************** ****** *** Sexual ******* *** ********* ****** (2016 ******* *** ********** CBT+SexualBehavior and ********* ********* from **** ** ** a ******* and What ** ** ***** *** ***************************************** * ****** ******** Sexuality: ****** healthy from adnormal ****** ********* ******* ** ****** ****** Counselling ** *** ********************* ** ***** KM ****** Development ** ******** ********* ***** *** Meyer ** ********** ** ***** The ****** ** Sexual ********** Springer ****** MAAmerican ************* *********** ***** January *** ********* ** **** ********* Retrieved **** *** * ****** ************* of sexual *********** and ************** ******************************************************* J & ****** ********* sex ***** ******** and ****** orientation: * ********** ******** *** quantitative Analysis ************* ********** ***** 43-55Hamer * H ****** * ******* ******* *** ******* ** *** * Chromosome as **** ** Male ****** *********** ******* **************** * * (2002) ****** Orientation dermatoglyphics *** and ********** ******** ** ****** Behavior * 107-116Promoting ******* Sexal *********** *** Sexualty (2014 February 3) ********* **** ***************************************************************************

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