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Short activity 4

  1. Times New rmn 12pt

    Select a business process you have learned about in this course or are otherwise familiar with. Create a process map or quality analysis for the business process following the guidelines below:

     Process Map Select one of the four process map types listed below (also found on page 96 of the textbook) to create a visualization of a business process you are familiar with. Process maps can assume several forms, including:

    1. High-level integration maps
    2. Relationship maps, also known as SIPOC (supplier, input, process, output, and customer) diagrams
    3. Cross-functional maps, also known as swim lane diagrams
    4. Flowcharts

    Quality Analysis Select one of the seven basic tools of quality listed below (also found on page 102 of the textbook) to create a visualization of a business process you are familiar with. The seven basic tools of quality are:

    1. Cause-and-effect diagrams (also called Ishikawa or fishbone diagrams)
    2. Check sheets
    3. Control or run charts
    4. Flowcharts
    5. Histograms
    6. Pareto charts
    7. Scatter diagrams 

    For additional details, please refer to the Learning Activities Guidelines and Rubric document in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course. 

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