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Social-behavioristic psychology is one of the major lines of investigation that has shaped the course of personality psychology.

Important publications An outline of the personality structure and dynamics defined by the theory proposed by your chosen theorist. A list of important terms associated with the theory. An outline of the stages of personality development as described by the theory. Note if the theory does not include stages of personality development. Description of how the theory explains the development of pathological behavior. Description of psychological tests associated with the theory. Description of the types of therapy, if any, associated with the theory.

Next, you will analyze the personality of your subject (the subject/famous person you chose inĀ Week 1 Assignment 3: i chose:

Abraham Lincoln

) using the concepts and terminology of the theory you have chosen from Part 1 of this assignment. Your analysis should include the following:

  • Your subject's personality structure and dynamics
  • Psychological or character types, if part of the theory
  • Possible causes of positive and negative aspects of the subject's personality
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