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social final project

4.       Cultural Immersion Experience: In order to more fully understand a multicultural group of which you are not a member, you will engage with a different multicultural group within or outside of your community.  Further information about what might constitute an appropriate encounter will be discussed in the first class.  The purpose of this exercise is to learn about interrelating with people from a different culture or ethnicity than your own.  Ideally, this experience will be with a culture that you do not have much experience with or with culture that you may hold a particularly strong prejudice about. 

You may choose to attend a movie/concert, attend a lecture, go to a neighborhood festival, go to a museum, attend a play, attend a religious service, explore a neighborhood, shop at a grocery store or bakery, attend a dance recital or art exhibit, etc.  It is my intention that you venture outside your sphere of comfort…  It is recommended that you discuss your planned activity with the instructor before you proceed.

Write a 5 page typed reaction paper about your experience /excursion—include a description of the event, what you observed that related to class discussion/readings, and how your experience will affect your work as a counselor. What were your preconceptions about the group? Were you in the minority? If so, how did that feel? What did you learn about others? What did you learn about yourself?

Presentation: You will present this to the class at the final class meeting.

Step 1: Contact the group and interview a leader about how to interact with the group, or find a “cultural guide” who can help you access the group appropriately. Interview that person about the group: why they gather, what it means to them.

Step 2: You will attend at least 1 gathering of people in this group, observing and interacting as appropriate. This meeting is to be attended ALONE – NOT with other students from this class or program unless he/she is your cultural guide.

Step 3: After the experience, you will describe each of the following:

1) Your reactions to the experience,

2) Your thoughts and feelings about the group observed,

3) Your thoughts and feelings about yourself in relation to the group observed, and

4) What you need to consider to be an effective counselor with members of this population.

Your final product will be a 4-5 page Word document written in APA format. Your paper should be written in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Grading Criteria:

PO: 3, 5

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