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Write a paper discussing the overlap of crime, punishment, and poverty. In your paper, please explain the following five core arguments made by the authors:

Criminal sanctions and victimization work to form a system of disadvantage that perpetuates stratification and poverty.  Punishment impacts individuals convicted of felonies, as well as their families, peer groups, neighborhoods, and racial group.  After controlling for population differences, African Americans are incarcerated approximately seven times as often as Whites.  Variation in criminal punishment is linked to economic deprivation.  As the number of felons and former felons rises, collateral sanctions play an ever-larger role in racial and ethnic stratification, operating as an interconnected system of disadvantage.
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*** Interconnection of ****** Problems: The Overlapping ** ******


and ******** *****




*** just **** ** ****** on **** individual ****** but it **** ******* *** ********** *** ******** ** ***** families **** **** ********* *** punished *** their crime of ****** **** ****** **** ***** actions *** it is *** one *** they **** behind struggles also Most ** the **** ** is the ****** *** ** ********** *** crimes **** is *** *********** ** the ****** ** **** **** gone that ****** ** left **** * lot ** ********* ****** **** ** **** *** **** ** come **** ***** **** though **** **** ******* ***** ***** ** ****** **** need illegally ********* ***** *** ******* different **** **** ** ***** **** *** ********** *** ********** **** **** are released after *** **** spent ************* ******** and ***** ******


******* ******** ********* *** victimization **** to **** * ****** ** ************ **** *********** ************** *** ************** (Wheelock ***** ***** ** my ******* * ***** that ****** ********** *** **** ** **** social ************ ***** the **** of **** *** ** no ********* in today’s ***** ****** Many races **** ***** **** *** penal ****** *** ******* ** * ************ just ** walking in the jail ***** ******* and Hispanic criminal are ******* **** ******* ** *** ***** ****** ***** means **** **** **** **** *********** ** ***** ****** **** ** ****** could **** that **** of them could **** more **** ***** ** ** ***** sentences ** even make ** ****** for **** ** get parole ************ is ******** **** blacks are punished ********** ******* ** countries **** **** ***** ** *********** ****** inequality” (Kleykamp Rosenfeld ******* ***** This ***** also **** that ***** ******** ***** ** ******* ***** **** **** **** view ***** ***** *** ***** overly aggressive and they **** ** **** **** **** * *** ** *** meaning **** want ** see them ***** *** ** ******** **** more ***** **** ********* ******* **** **** **** ** *** they are going to get the job ***** “Punishment impacts individuals ********* of


** **** as their ******** **** ****** ************* *** ****** ********************* &Uggen ***** **** ********* is **** ******* **** someone ** ******** *** we ** not know **** ****** **** ** ** easy to *** have that **** **** about them but ** ** *** ******* ***** to us **** ****** or ******* ** **** ** important ****** ** *** lives ** ***** ******* ** **** think of **** ** **** **** and with *** of ***** **** ********* ********** *** *** ****** because ** * ********* ****** many families who ** *** **** * *** ** ***** ** begin **** **** ** **** ***** hardest ** find money ** bail *** ***** ***** *** ******* **** further **** **** ****** ****** *** impacted because its known **** ***** time another ***** **** ** arrested they are stereotyped ** ***** ****** automatically think **** they are guilty *** that that ** ***** they belong Other ****** ****** think **** ***** ***** *** ******** *** * **** of ***** *** ************ ********* ************ *********** for *********** *********** *******

********* are ************ approximately seven ***** ** ***** ** ************* (Wheelock ********** ***** **** ********* ** ****** ******* based *** ** *** **** ***** ** it **** ******* ********* are ****** at as ********* ****** **** **** **** ** ** **** ****** is ***** ** evolve with **** ** ****** where **** ** ** *** **** *** with; if **** **** ** ****** **** *** ******** ********** **** **** **** ** thrown in **** **** ** *** **** **** *** **** ***** without * ***** ** **** a **** **** ** ****** ********* ****** of ********** **** ************** ****** ********* ** *** age *** *** ***** commit they would **** **** ** a ***** **** ******* of a 4x4 **** **** ******** ********* ******* in ***** ******* can teach them *** ** ****** better *** ** ********* *** *** to become ****** ****** in ******* *** maybe **** others *** **** just **** ***** “Variation in ******** punishment is ******


******** deprivation” ********* ********** ***** ** my ******* ** ** ******* ** ************* ******** **** **** ****** ******* ****** ** ***** **** **** criminals *** *** ******* ********* **** * hard enough **** ******* *** ** **** because **** **** ** ****** **** ****** to **** ****** ****** ******* ** ** **** to obtain **** *** any ********* ***** ********* *** *** it’s ** *** surprise **** ** income ************ ********** to ***** than unemployment **** ** **** more; *** **** ******** **** ******* **** ***** **** ************ causes **** crime not **** as **************** **** but ******* ****** as **** ******** ***** **** ********* *** not looking for a ********* ***** who ** ***** *** ** prison ** someone who **** **** ** *** prison system In ****** ******** areas ****** is going to be ** ** ******** **** ******* ** gets passed **** ********** ** the **** when * ***** teen *** ******* *** ********** ** *** *** ***** ** **** ** **** **** **** *** going ** **** **** ** ** up ** them ** ** something ** help ***** *** ******* ** **** ** not **** *** will ******** ** **** *** ** *** **** *** ****** ******** so **** take ** ** ***** own ***** *** do ****** **** are ******* the law ********* the ****** ** felons and ******


***** ********** ********* play an *********** role in ****** *** ethnic stratification ********* as an ************** ****** of ************ (Wheelock &Uggen ********* ****** ********* ********** *** ***** *** **** ** * ************ ** ********** ****** ***** are *** ***** ********* brought ******* **** that ***** **** **** ******** almost a ****** part of ******* ***** People **** things like ********** ******* and education *** *** ****** they could ** **** ** **** **** * felon ****** that *** ********* *** daily ******** ** life **** their ******* to **** ** ***** *** public ******** ** ***** away; ******* **** ****** **** a **** ****** **** as it ** ** **** ******** **** ** *** *** **** ***** to ** able ** ******* themselves ** **** their ******** with ** type ** **** **** ********** In ******* ********** *** **** ****** *** ****


and * ** *** think that ** ***** ******** ******* **** ********** ** the criminal ****** Many officials *** officers **** ******* treatment to ********** races that **** perceive as ******** * **** of *** ******* **** ** **** **** *** **** to ****** **** ******** *** ******* *** effected ******** ** ***** **** **** ***** ** **** or even being ******** *** *** **** ** ** ** emotional **** *** **** but ** ** financially ********* for **** **** Most criminals become **** *** ******* **** **** ** ***** ****** *** ** ******* **** **** ** **** ***** ******** *** and ******* **** **** they *** going ***** it ********** the ***** ***

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