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SOP for Phyllis Young

Research Question, Purpose Statement, and Citation Format Exercise   

The components of this assignment include a research question, a purpose statement, and six sources, at least two of which must be peer-reviewed. The specific research question should relate to a general topic in the course. 

Purpose statement should be a 1 to 1 1/2 pgs 

 The assignments must follow the Chicago Style Manual guidelines. Refer to Kate Turabian, A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, 7th ed.Chicago: University of Chicago Press found at. 


Here is the scope of the course to help choose a research question

·       This is a broad-based course that explores the issues and problems relevant to cyberspace facing policymakers.  It examines a number of issues such as the nature of cyberspace and its relation to the state, protection of critical infrastructure, deterrence, cybercrime, cyber terrorism and cyber war.  We will also take a look at current US policy documents in light of what we have learned about cyber issues.  The purpose of this course is to your ability to think critically about cyberspace and its place in the field of national security.  The course will begin with a look at the character of cyberspace and end with a comparative look at other state cyber policies.

·       The course will assess theories of cyber power within traditional national security theories, strategies and doctrines.  It will evaluate cyber as a threat to the state and compare the cyber policies of several great powers.  Students will participate in weekly Discussion Forums that correlate to weekly readings.  Students will write an analytical research paper, and will write a comprehensive final essay using restricted resources.

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