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Source: The Community Guide. Retrieved from an issue from the listed topics, and then select a Healthcare System Level Intervention. After researching

Source: The Community Guide. Retrieved from

Choose an issue from the listed topics, and then select a Healthcare System Level Intervention. After researching your local community, briefly describe the intervention and evaluate how the program might be used in your area. Which local organizations might be involved in implementation? Who would be interested in funding this particular intervention?

Be sure to include a list of credible references to support your response.

I live in Oakland/San Francisco Bay Area

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******************** ** student:Institution ** Affiliation:           Violence ** **************** ** *** *** ****** ******** is * *********** ** a public ****** ******* **** has affected people ** ********* ****** of **** ***** of ******* **** reported ********** of ******** ***** *** people ****** ****** ******** as well as emotional ****** ******** ** *** rest ** ***** lives ********* ** *** ***** *** ****** ** an intervention approach ****** *** ** prevent ******** *** **** ** **** **** ** ******** ** ******** *** ** addressedThe ********* ************ ************ ******* can ** **** ** ****** *** number of ***** due ** ******** *** ******* *** ****** *** schools ** Oakland ***** ***** ******* is taught on *** ************ of ******** The students *** ******* ** *** ******* **** violence ****** ** ******* *** students *** ****** ** the ****** **** *** be utilized ** ****** ******* ******** ********* control ** **** ** the emotional ************** **** the ******** ***** of *** ******** ****** skills *********** ****** and *** ******** ********** **** tend ** **** **** *** ********* of violence ******* ******** ***** Domitrovich ***** *** case ** ******** on **** **** ****** to *** perpetration *** victimization cases **** ***** ** **** ***** ** *** ******** program can ** *********** **** the ********* ** **** as *** ***** ** ******** ** ******** *** rates of ******** **** *** experienced ** *** area **** * ******* ***** be ****** ** *** community where there can ** * ********* ********** ******** **** ***** that ******* that *** ******* ************** ****** ******* ******** & ******** 2016) This ** ****** ******* *** local ********** which is ******* ** ******** *** ********** ****** of ******** ***** that *** ******** in *** ********* *** Are * **** ***** *** ensure **** the ************ ******* is *********** ******* monitoring ReferencesCDC *** effectiveness ** ********* ************ ******** *** *** ********** ** ******* *** aggressive ********* * ****** on recommendations of the **** Force ** Community ********** ******** ********************************* MMWR ************************* * * & Domitrovich * E (2015) Readiness ** ********* ************ **************** ******** ************** Using ******** ** ******* related to ************** ** ******** ***************** ************ 1037-1043Gavine * J ******** * * & ******** * * (2016) ************* ** ********* ************ programs *** prevention of violence ** ********************* of Violence6(3) *******

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