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South Dakota State University Admission Statement Provide a statement of at least 500-1000 words describing your plans once you have earned a Master's of Library and Information Science. Please respon

South Dakota State University

Admission Statement

Provide a statement of at least 500-1000 words describing your plans once you have earned a Master's of Library and Information Science. Please respond to these statements specifically:

·Your perception of the role of a library and information service professional.

·         Why you want to become a library and information service professional.

·         Your short- and long-term career goals and objectives.

·         The contributions you will bring to the profession.

·         What you expect from the School of Library and Information Science.

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******************************** StatementMy **** ** Emanuel ****** * ******** of ***** ****** State ********** * ********* ** **** **** * ******** ** Arts ****** ** ******* **** this prominent *********** I ** ******* ** ****** you ** ** ******** in studying *** ******** ******* ** **** at *** ********** ** ***** ******** * perceive the **** ** a ******* *** *********** ******* professional ** ** ********* *** valuable **** ** information ********* ********** preserving disseminating *** ******* ****** ** studies ** ***** Dakota ***** ********** * developed crucial ************* ******* *** ******** ****** *** *********** ******** me **** *** ********* tools *** ****** *** ** ******** *********** Meaningfully ** ********* experience *** ********* contributing ** my ******** *** professional ******* **** to ****** * ******* and ******* ************ to *********** *********** ********* in the ********** ** *********** *********** I *** not make **** ******** ****** *** ** **** several ***** of ******** *** ******** The major ***** **** ***** ** ** **** ********** was my **** ** ***** and ********* * **** ************ my skills ** *********** *** ****** ***** ****** access ** *********** *** data ********* ****** ** studies at ***** ****** ***** University * ***** ****** **** in ***** * ***** conduct thorough ******** *** ******** crucial *********** ***** experiences **** ********* ** ******** in ******** * library *** ******* ****** ********* appeal to ** ******* * ****** **** ** learn ******* * am * *********** ****** *** ***** ** a challenge *** succeeds * experienced **** ******* while ** ***** ****** ***** ********** ********** ****** my first **** *** * performed **** *** ********** *** *** ******* ** from completing ** ********** degree *** ********* ******** * was *** the **** intelligent ******* ** *** ********* * conquered *** ********* ******* perseverance ************* **** **** and courage * wish to ******* these *************** ** ***** ** *** ********** of ***** ********** short-term *** ********* ****** ***** *** ********** are ** obtain **** ********** ****** **** ********* performance *** have * successful ****** ** ******* *** information management ************* * wish to ******* ** ******** *** *********** ********** skills ** ******** **** data *** **** ****** ** * ******* *** ******* professional * **** to **** a ******* **** ** ******* *** *** field ** ********* * **** *** ** ********* *** ****** to provide ****** to information ******* ******** learning and ******* literacy *** ********* * always ***** doing ******** *** ******* *** *********** I want ** ******* *** ******** ** ***** others to **** ********* *********** *** **** basic ******** ****** ******** **** ** ****** for ******** *** updated *********** **** different sources Essentially I would **** to ******* ******* ** ****** *** understand more ***** ***** ********* qualities ***** * am ********** in ******* the ******* *** *********** profession ** ********* ** ***** ****** State ********** was *********** **** *** supportive and * ****** ** ******* *** same characteristics to impact ****** ****************** * *** ********** ** ******* to ******** review ****** **** documentation accuracy *********** and ***** information ** **** ********** * **** excellent ************** skills and * **** ******** ***** ********* materials and collecting data ***** ********** my ********** ****** I ****** ** ******* *********** *** Archives as a ******** Specialist II As * *** ******** ********* * *** ******* duties **** ** ***** ********* research reviewing ****** data *** ********** documentation ******** ** * result * *** **** find ******* *********** *** ******* ** different ********* ** complex ******* * ******* ********* ******** ****** *** *** ********** to search for ********** *** accurate *********** **** ********* ******* * *** ***** help **** different types ** research ** providing *** necessary information *** ********* opportunities ** ******* *** community ********* these *********** allowed ** ** ******* * ******* for the ******* *** * **** **** a ******** **** ** this ********************** I ****** ** **** ********* and ****** **** the School ** ******* *** Information ******* * **** ****** *** ****** ** ******* *** necessary ********* ***** and ************ to ***** ** to ******* *** acquire ******** ********** ********** * **** **** ******* *********** ***** *** **** ******* at *** University ** ***** ******** for a **** **** *********** I have ********* ** ******** to ****** **** data and ** *** ********** ** ******** ** the ******* The ********** ** ***** ******** is * *********** *********** ******** *** me to ******* ** dream ** * get *** opportunity ** ****** *** ******* ** **** outstanding *********** I will ****** demonstrate unmatched dedication *************** *** responsibility ** my studies The institution *** an ********* curriculum and ************* that **** **** ** excel ** *** library *** *********** ********** and ** ** agent *** change ** the ****** I ** ********* **** * **** ******* ********** ** *** ********* and ********* *** University ** ***** Carolina **** ***** ***** **** of **** ***** *********** will ** ** ***** for me ***** you for *********** ** ***********

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