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South University NSG 5003 PAPER 1 A+ work

South University NSG 5003 PAPER 1

South University NSG 5003 PAPER 1 A+ work

South University NSG 5003 PAPER 1

South University NSG 5003 PAPER 1 A+ work

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South University NSG 5003 PAPER 1 A+ work

South University NSG 5003 PAPER 1

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******* ************* My name is ******* ***** and * **** **** * registered ***** *** the past ** years * ********* **** ********** School of ******* with ** Associate’s ****** *** **** **** ** to West ******* ********** to ******** my Bachelor’s ****** ** ******* ***** ********** **** nursing ****** * worked ** *** ********* Stepdown Unit for two ***** * **** **** **** ******* care ***** * ***** my passion I **** been * ******* ***** *** *** last **** ***** with **** of these ***** *** *** ** ***** a ****** ***** I ** ********* ********** ** pursuing ** ****** Nurse ************ ****** My **** is ** specialize ** ********** Care          The Four *************************** ********** and ************* **** the literature ** **** *********** ** *** ***** **** ********************** ** patient ***** health *** ********************* *** ********* questions ** *** ******** your ******* tasks related to **** assignment1How do I ****** *** ****** *** **** ***** ************* ** ******* ****** in ** ************ practice?2What *** *** ***** concepts I ****** **** *** ****** ** my ************ practice?3What ************ *** theories from *** ********** ** ******* *** ***** disciplines/domains *** ********** **** ***** ************* *** *** ******** of ************* ******* *** ****** promotion model ***** acquisition role ****** *** change ****** specifically integrated **** ** ********** *** ************** research ******** ***** theories *** ************* do * ********* **** and change ****** into ** ************ ******** and how *** ***** ******** be ******* ** *** organization in ***** * ******************* *** **** **************************** ********** *** ************* **** *** ********** of **** *********** ** the basic **** metaparadigms/concepts ** patient ***** health *** **************** ************ ** **** ************* the ***** ** * ********** *** ** made up ** ******** **** ****** the ************* ************ of ******* ** comprised ** **** parts: ****** health *********** ********** which was ********* ********** ** *** ********* ***** ** nursing practice PersonIt *** seem ******* **** “person” ****** to the patient ******* ** ******* *** ** **** ************ *** “person” can ***** ** more than *** ****** ********* *** patient’s family ******* *** ******* *** nurse’s **** **** dealing **** *** ************ ** ** nurture *** ******* and ******* *** ** *** ** ****** ***** own ****** ** *** **** of *** ** her ********* ****** ****** **** their ******** **** **** they truly **** ***** ***** ****** and well-beingHealthThe **** **** ** *** ************ ** nurse theory ************ is “health” This ****** ** *** patient’s ******** ** **** ** *** or *** ****** ** healthcare *********** health refers ** * ***** ******* ** aspects of the ********** ********* **** ** ******* factors and **** ******** **** ******* factors such ** *** *********** ************ ********* *** spiritual ********** ** ********* ** **** **** when assessing * *********** ****** ************ ** not ** ******** **** *** a ******** one *** ******** ** ** year *** *** *** *** do * ******* is likely ********** ** be ** ***** health ***** ** ** ** year *** *** who can **** ** * ******* ***** ********* ** ****** ** ***** **** ******* compared ** *** average *** *** ***************** *********** refers ** everything ****** patients **** impacts ***** ******* *** ******** “Environment” ** this ******** ** *** ******* to ******** ******* *** ******** ******** and ****** ******* such ** mental ***** geographic location ******* *** ******** ************* It is **** ********* *** the patient ** ** ** ** *********** **** ** ********* to *** ** *** ****************** ***** ********* ** *** metaparadigm ** ******* is ************* ******* ****** ** *** of *** ******* ****** **** ** ********** **** ******* ** become * ***** ********* ******* knowledge ********* ****** *** *** ************** ******* care ***** applying these ****** nurses **** ** **** ** show compassion *** ***** ******** * **** ** ******* *** ******** will ****** **** * *********** ****** on *** ***** ****** *** recoveryConclusionIn order to ** * ******** ***** ** ********** **** attend to *** aspects ** *** *********** ********** If done ********* a ***** *** ** sure that he ** *** is ********* the **** **** ******** *** *** ********************************************************** Practice-Specific Concepts:Identification ********** *** documentation **** *** ********** ** your *********** ** ** ***** two ***** ******** specific ** **** *** *************** ********** framework is presented **** ********* and ********** ******* of **** *** quality ** health **** ********** Five **** concepts ******* ************** ******* ********* of care ******* ** **** ************ with **** *** ******* *** length ** **** ******* and family perspectives are considered *** ********* ********** ******* of ******************** of ***** *** dyingThe ***** theory ** ***** *** ***** proposed ** the ************** ************ ********* ************ in *** **** ** ***** *** Dying ****** ** perhaps *** ****** *********** ***** **** ** **** known ** *** ******* ****** ** the entire field ** ******* ***** ***** *** dying ****************** ***** ****** ** dying *** ***** proposed by *** Swiss-American ************ ********* ************ ** *** **** ** Death *** Dying (1969) ** ******* the ****** *********** model **** ** best known ** *** ******* ****** ** *** ****** field of studies ***** ***** *** ***** ************* ** its ******** **** **** ****** ****** **** ***** ****** will ******* ******* **** ******* denial ***** ********** ********** *** ********** **** broadly *** ****** ********* that ***** individuals *** *** drawn **** * dying ******** experiences such as ****** members friends ************ **** ********* and ********* ******* *** **** ********** similar ******* ** adjustment"Read ***** http://wwwdeathreferencecom/Sh-Sy/Stage-Theoryhtml#ixzz5FZAOsOLA                                    · **** ** ************** numbered **** of ** ***** five propositions or ********** statements **** ******* ******* the concepts *************

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