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STAT 200 Midterm Exam Instructor : Jing Gao NAME Spring 2019 INSTRUCTIONS The midterm exam is worth 100 points total . The midterm exam covers week I...

These are difficult questions could I get some help on how to understand these questions. I also have more questions but it is proven a difficult task to upload multiple pictures.

STAT 200 Midterm ExamInstructor : Dr. Jing GaoNAMESpring 2019INSTRUCTIONSThe midterm exam is worth 100 points total .The midterm exam covers week I to week 4 Thaterials .The midterm exam is open book and open notes . This means that you may refer to yourtextbook , notes , and online course materials . but you must work independently and may notconsult anyone . You may take as much time as you wish , provided you turn in your midtermexam via LEO by 11:59 pm EDI on Sunday , February 17 , 2019 .`With the midterm exam submission , please include the sentence , " I have completed thisassignment myself , working independently and not consulting anyone except theinstructor . "Answer all 10 questions . Make sure your answers are as complete as possible . Show all of yourwork and reasoning . In particular , when there are calculations involved , you must show howyou come up with your answers with critical work and / or necessary tables . Answers that comestraight from calculators , programs or software packages without explanation will not beaccepted .1 .( 10 points ) The U .S. Census Bureau needs to estimate the median income of females in the U .S. , theycollect incomes from 3500 females . State the individual , variable , population , sample , parameter , andstatistic .2 .( 10 points ) Researchers want to collect cholesterol levels of U.S. patients who had a heartattack two days prior . The following are different sampling techniques that the researchercould use . Classify each as simple random sample , stratified sample , systematic sample ,cluster sample , or convenience sample .2 . ) The researchers randomly select 5 hospitals in the U.S. then measure the cholesterollevels of all the heart attack patients in each of those hospitals .b . ) The researchers list all of the heart attack patients and measure the cholesterol level ofevery 25 " person on the list .
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