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Strayer SOC100 Week 5 Midterm Exam Part 2 Latest (2016)


Question 1

3 out of 3 points

The ordinary, taken-for-granted rules that enable people to live, work, and socialize together are referred to as:

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Question 2

3 out of 3 points

Adopting the behavior or standards of a group you emulate or hope to join is referred to as:

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 Question 3

3 out of 3 points

Which of the following would be considered a violation of “normal” social interaction in the United States?

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Question 4

3 out of 3 points

Institutions that isolate individuals from the rest of society to achieve administrative control over most aspects of their lives are referred to as:

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Question 5

3 out of 3 points

Psychoanalysis, the psychological perspective that emphasizes the complex reasoning processes of the conscious and unconscious mind, is associated with which major theorist?

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Question 6

3 out of 3 points

Which of the following behaviors is most likely the result of family socialization?

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Question 7

3 out of 3 points

Power that depends on the ability to persuade rather than command is referred to as:

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Question 8

3 out of 3 points

A(n) _____ organization is rationally designed to achieve particular objectives by means of explicit rules, regulations, and procedures.

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Question 9

3 out of 3 points

Large, impersonal groups with minimal emotional and intimate ties are referred to as:

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Question 10

3 out of 3 points

Power exercised over those who recognize it as deserved or earned is referred to as:

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Question 11

3 out of 3 points

Groups characterized by intense emotional ties, intimacy, and identification with membership in the group are referred to as:

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Question 12

3 out of 3 points

Power that depends on the leader’s role in the group is referred to as:

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Question 13

3 out of 3 points

The act of having multiple wives is referred to as:

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Question 14

3 out of 3 points

The idea that conflicts generated by fundamental contradictions in the structure of society produce laws defining certain acts as deviant or criminal is referred to as:

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Question 15

3 out of 3 points

In the United States, which of the following would not be considered to be a normative cultural goal that people strive for?

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Question 16

3 out of 3 points

The form of anomie that occurs when a gap exists between the culturally defined goals of a society and the means available to achieve those goals is referred to as:

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Question 17

3 out of 3 points

According to Émile Durkheim, what condition occurs when people lose sight of the shared rules and values that give order and meaning to their lives?

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Question 18

3 out of 3 points

The theory that people differ not only in their motivation to engage in deviant acts but also in their opportunity to do so is referred to as:

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Question 19

3 out of 3 points

Class position at birth influences one’s _____, the opportunities and obstacles the person will encounter in education, social life, and work that affect social mobility.

Selected Answer: life chances 

Corrected Answer: life chances 

Question 20

3 out of 3 points

Areas that lack places that sell competitively priced, healthy, and fresh food are referred to as:

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Question 21

3 out of 3 points

The value of everything a person owns minus the value of everything he or she owes is referred to as:

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Question 22

3 out of 3 points

A person’s economic position in society, based on differences in income, wealth, and occupation, is referred to as:

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Question 23

3 out of 3 points

The systematic ranking of different groups of people in a hierarchy of inequality is referred to as:

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Question 24

3 out of 3 points

The ability to exercise influence on political institutions and/or actors to realize personal or group interests is referred to as:

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Question 25

3 out of 3 points

The upward or downward status movement of individuals or groups over time is referred to as:

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******** **

3 *** ** * *******

*** ******** taken-for-granted ***** **** enable people ** **** **** *** socialize together are referred ** ****

******** Answer:

********* Answer:

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* out ** 3 *******

******** the ******** ** ********* ** * ***** you emulate ** hope ** **** ** ******** to ****

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Corrected Answer:

Question **

* *** ** * *******

Which of *** following ***** ** ********** * violation ** ******************** ****** interaction ** *** ****** ********

******** ********

********* ********

Question 4

* *** ** * *******

Institutions **** ******* *********** **** *** rest ** ******* to ******* administrative ******* **** **** ******* of ***** ***** *** ******** ** ****

Selected ********

********* ********

******** **

3 *** ** * *******

Psychoanalysis *** ************* *********** that ********** *** complex reasoning processes ** *** ********* and *********** mind ** ********** **** ***** ***** theorist?

Selected ********

********* ********

******** **

3 *** of 3 *******

***** ** the ********* behaviors ** **** ****** *** ****** of ****** ***************

******** ******* Corrected

******* ******** **

3 ***

** 3 ******* Power ****

******* ** *** ******* to persuade rather **** ******* ** ******** to **** ******** Answer:

********* Answer:

******** 8

* ***

** * ******* **** *****

************ ** ********** ******** to achieve ********** ********** ** ***** ** explicit rules *********** *** procedures ******** Answer:

********* ********

Question **

* out

** * points Large **********

****** **** ******* ********* *** ******** **** are referred to **** Selected Answer:

********* Answer:

Question ***

3 ***

** 3 ******* ***** exercised

over ***** who ********* ** ** ******** ** earned is ******** to **** Selected ********

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of * ******* ****** characterized

by ******* ********* **** ******** *** ************** with ********** in *** ***** are ******** ** as: ******** ********

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** * ******* ***** ****

******* on *** ************** role ** *** ***** ** ******** ** as: ******** ********

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******** 13

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of * ******* *** ***

** having multiple ***** ** referred to **** ******** ********

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Question ***

3 ***

** * ******* *** ****

that ********* generated ** *********** contradictions ** *** ********* of society ******* **** defining certain **** ** ******* ** ******** is ******** to as: ******** *******

********* Answer: Question

15 *

*** **

* ******* ** the United

****** ***** ** *** ********* ***** *** ** considered ** ** * normative ******** goal **** people ****** for? ******** ******** *********

Answer: ********

*** 3

out **

3 ******* The **** **

****** **** ****** **** * *** ****** ******* *** culturally ******* ***** of * ******* *** *** ***** ********* ** ******* ***** goals is ******** ** **** Selected ******** *********

******** Question

*** 3

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3 ******* ********* to ************

******** **** ********* ****** **** ****** **** sight ** *** ****** rules *** ****** that **** ***** *** ******* to ***** ******* ******** ******** *********

Answer: ********

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out **

3 points *** theory ****

people ****** *** **** ** ***** ********** ** engage ** deviant acts but **** in ***** opportunity to do ** ** ******** ** as: ******** Answer: *********

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19 3

*** **

* ******* ***** ******** **

***** ********** one’s _____ *** ************* *** ********* the person **** encounter ** education ****** life and **** **** ****** ****** mobility Selected Answer: life

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3 ******* ***** **** ****

****** **** sell competitively priced ******* *** ***** **** are referred ** as: Selected Answer: *********

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*** 3

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* points The ***** **

********** a ****** **** ***** *** ***** ** ********** ** ** *** **** ** ******** to **** ******** ******** Corrected

******** Question

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3 ******* A ************** ********

******** ** ******* based ** differences ** ****** wealth *** ********** ** ******** to **** Selected Answer: *********

Answer: ********

23 *

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* points *** ********** *******

** ********* ****** ** ****** in * ********* ** inequality is ******** ** as: Selected ******** *********

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*** of

* points The ******* **

******** ********* ** ********* institutions and/or actors ** ******* ******** ** group interests ** referred to **** ******** ******** *********

******** Question

25 *

*** of

* ******* *** ****** or

******** ****** ******** ** individuals ** ****** **** time ** ******** ** as: ******** Answer: Corrected


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