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Submit a paper on the weaknesses of biometric authenticationThere are numerous examples of weaknesses, write about the ones which interest you the mostDo NOT use bullets, that is not APA format!Paper

  • Submit a paper on the weaknesses of biometric authentication
  • There are numerous examples of weaknesses, write about the ones which interest you the most
  • Do NOT use bullets, that is not APA format!
  • Paper MUST be submitted in APA format
  • Propose a mitigating control or controls to help overcome the weaknesses identified in your paper
  • Submit at least 2 but no more than 4 pages double spaced
  • No photos or graphs
  • Reference all sources used
  • Individual work and NOT a group effort
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************ Biometric ************** can ** ******* ** the ******* ***** is **** to ****** ********** identity ********* ******* measurements or **** **** ***** *********** *************** ** ******* body **** ******* ** log in *** individual ** ********** ******* an *********** a ****** ** well ** ***** ****** It works ** comparing different **** sets ******* one ** *** *** ***** and the ***** is for the owner **** 2018) *** ***** ** the *** **** of **** ***** almost ** ** alike *** not exactly ******** ***** this ******* a **** ************ ** *** ********* ****** ******* ** *** ********* ************** ******* fingerprints Iris recognition **** ******** *** *** **** others ******* the benefit ** biometric ************** it ** **** ********** **** ******* weaknesses ** ** ******** the example ** biometric ************** **** a *********** ** ** **** *** ** has ***** ********** **** **** ** ********* system ** the **** *********** ******** ****** hence more *********** ** failures *** failure of **** ****** is ** a result of the following:1 ******* individuals *** ******* ** *** ******* ** *********** ******* and *** *** ****** ** *** ******* ****** *** **** *** ****** thickness ****** to **** ***** **** ******* ** the ******* of ********* by *** ********* ****** **** results in *** ******** ** **** ********* **** ** *************** ************** ******** with ********* activities on a ***** ***** They might *** ******* which carrying *** ***** ****** For ******** **** someone ** ******* and ***** *** *** with **** ***** ***** ** **** *** ****** ** ******* ***** burnt Things **** ***** *** **** **** to * change ** *** *********** *********** Once **** ****** **** *** result **** ** a failure ** ** detected by the ****** ***** ******** * ******** of *** ******* Environmental FactorsAutomatic *********** methods **** ** ************ are always valuable ***** for *********** *********** **** ******** by ************* ******* ***** ***** ********* ***** ******** **** *** **** **** **** 2018) *** ******* normally **** an ****** ** *** *********** *** readability ** *** fingerprint *********** ***** an individual’s ************ *** ** ********** ** be grounded ** ******** ** the **** ****** ***** *** known as *************** on ********** *************** ********* thoughtful *** ********** ********** ***** *********** steal ******* **** *********** identity through uncooperative ******** **** ** because ************ ** **** ***** are left on a ************ number of ******** ***** makes it ****** ** ******* ****** ****** *********** ****** ***** ****** ********* ******* **** like **** **** *** ************* fuming *** ******** ****** prints **** *** ********* **** fingerprint ***** as **** ** **** ************ get ******** utilizing household ********* **** ******** clay ******* *** latex ***** **** ***** *** ****** ** become **** ** a *** of biometric ******************** *********************** sensors ***** not be **** as **** **** **** ********** A recent ***** revealed *************** *** *** **** ********** ** **** as ******** ***** University have discovered **** *********** ***** be ******** ** well ** manipulated easily ***** ********* **** ************ which *** ********* ********* aimed ** **** ********* ******** ** *** ********* ***** *********** ***** ******** * ******** ** ********* authentication ******* *************** ******* ** Controls to **** ******** *** **************** technology ******** ***** get ********** **** fingerprint ******* on the ****** ********* ** ** ** ********* in ******* or **** ** *** ****** *********** The *********** ******* *** ** **** in * *** ** ****** ** ** ********** **** ******** ******** ** **** ******* the ******** ** **************** ******** and should ** **** ** have **** *********** (Kevin ***** ***** ****** ***** ** be ************ **** ***** ** **** ** ******** detection application ** expand fingerprint ******** ************** ** **** ** ***** ***** ******** ***** ********* ***** detection ********* ** the *********** ******************** ******* ***** **** ** ***** ** integrated ** the ******* ********* sensors ****** ** *********** fake ************ Environmental ******* ***** ** ***** **** by ********** more ******** ******** which ***** ********* particular **** ** moisture amount Update ********** also need to be available ** ****** the ********* **** ******* on ** *********** authentication ** **** ** ****** ************** **** such ** Passwords **** to ** ******** when ******* ** *** ************ *** ***** capturing samples (Precise ********** ***** Due ** ****** ** *** ***** ***** ** ******** ** *********** ******* the ************* of ***** **** of the ******* **** as **** ***** *** ********* could ** utilized ******* ** ****** ** ********

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