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Substance dependent parents shape and influence their children daily. The rise in substance abusing parents in America has helped unveil the negative impacts on children as a social injustice. This ri
Substance dependent parents shape and influence their children daily. The rise in substance abusing parents in America has helped unveil the negative impacts on children as a social injustice. This rise can be contributed to increase reporting. There are three primary theories about the cause behind substance abuse. Genetic disposition, exposure in utero, and environment of children postnatally are all theories which have been the basis for research. Exposure to substances not only occurs prenatally, but postnatally as well. Substance abuse can impact a child physically, emotionally, behaviorally, socially, and cognitively.This paper explores the interventions can help offset the negative impacts of substance abusing parents on children.
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******** ******* ** ******** Substance ***** on ******************* NameUniversityCourseProfessor ************************ ********* ********* ******* ***** *** ********* their children ***** The rise ** ********* abusing ******* ** ******* *** ****** ****** *** negative ******* ** children as * social injustice ******** ** ** ***** This **** *** ** *********** to ******** ********* ***** are ***** primary ******** ***** *** cause ****** ********* abuse ******* *********** ******** in ***** and environment of children *********** *** all ******** ***** **** been the ***** *** ******** ******** ** ********** *** **** occurs ********** *** postnatally as **** Substance abuse *** impact * ***** ********** *********** ************ ******** *** *********** ******** et ** ***** Interventions *** **** offset *** ******** ******* ** ********* ******* parents on ******** Life is ******* For many it ** **** * roller ******* ** **** times *** *** ***** ********** ****** ** these *** and ***** differently *** **** ****** ***** substances ***** to **** *** ******** points ** ******* **** However this *** *** ****** turn **** ***** ** ********** ************* ** ******* ******** under *** *** ** 18 **** ** ** * ********* ***** at ***** *** ****** ****** ********** ((Metzler et al ***** **** ******* ****** to ***** ********** *** ******** ****** ** ***** ******** ** outstanding *** **** ** ********* ********* ***** *** also increased This ***** *** ****** ******* *** ****** ********* ******* ******* **** upon ***** ******** ** ** *** **** *** ** ************ ******** *** **** * family problem *** * ********* obstacle as ************ Effects of ******** Substance ***** on Children ***** *** numerous **** which ********* ******* ******* *** ********** ****** their ******** ******** *** found **** ******* *** were exposed ** ********** ****** the ******** ****** **** an ********* ***** ** complications **** includes insecure *********** ** ****** ******* ********* ******* & ******** ***** Approximately 7 ******* ******** under *** age of ** were ********** exposed ** alcohol *** ****** children per year *** **** ********** ******* ** *** ** **** ******* drugs ** *** ** (Tedgård Råstam ***** Wirtberg ***** Another impact ********* use may **** ****** *** ******** ****** ** *** ********* ********** ** * ****************** disorder ********* ************* six ** **** ****** *** **** **** * ****************** ******** ********* ******* & ******** 2019) ******** ******* ***** ******** ****** conclude that ***** Alcohol ******** ** *** most ****** neurodevelopmental disorder which occurs **** * ****** ******** ******* during ********* **** ******* ******* ***** ****** ****** in six *** of **** ****** **** a ***** ** ********** ******* ** substances ******* ******** *************** *********** these ******** from ***** ********* ********** peers ***** physical characteristics ******* ****** ataxia ***** ** ethanol ********** ******** enzyme ******** *** ******* ************* ******* ******* ** al 2018) *** ** ***** *************** ****** * ********* ********* ********* Unfortunately the ********** are *** ****** ********** for **** ******* to *** this addiction The ******** impacts ** substance ******* ******* *** **** **** ***** ******** ****** ****** *** ****** ******* **** **** of ********* **** *** ******* alcohol ** **** **** ******* to * ********** fetus than any ***** **** ******** ****** pregnancy (Jääskeläinen ******* Notkola ***** ********* ***** The ********* ** *** **** ******* *** ***** *************** Holmila Notkola *** Raitasalo (2016) ****** **** ** a ****** ** ******* ********** *** * *** ****** during *** child’s ***** ***** *** ****** ***** ** **** **** ** *** ********** **** abused *** years at * **** ******* support *** **** ****** ***** ******** ******** ******** ******* other ****** ******* and human ******* professionals Being ****** ** parents *** have ********* abuse ****** can ****** * child ********** *********** ************ ******** *** *********** Research has ***** **** ***** ** * physical ******* ************** for ******** ******** ** ********** The ability ** become ** ****** ** dependent **** ******* ***** **** specifically ***** ** * ******** *********** ******* ******* *** *** ********* ******* *** ***** sons who ****** ********* ******* (Ibabe & ******* ***** **** *** ****** * ***** ********** ** **** ** ******** ******** has shown **** ***** ****** **** ********* ******* ******* ******* *** ********** ******** **** *** ********** ******** **** is responsible *** *********** traits ********* ***** ******* Veltman ******* ***** Van *** **** 2018) ***** have **** **** ******* ***** have ***** **** *** ******** *********** ** ***** * ***** *** ****** *** **** * negative ****** on * ********* *********** *** household *********** ** * ***** raised **** ********* ******* ******* *** **** ********* ** ************** and caregivers have **** described ** ******* ********** Being ****** **** ********* ******* ******* *** **** ******* the physical ****** *** *** ********* *** behavioral ******* ** *** child ** well ******** *** ***** children with ********* ******* ******* *** ** greater risk *** family ******** ******* **** **** ***** a *********** ******* ******** ********* abuse *** ********* ********* ** their ******** *********** children *********** ** increase ** ********** ******** *** ******** activity *** also ******* ******* *** der Put & ******** ** ** 2019) There is * psychological ****** which manifests ******* *** ******** of *** ***** *** ******* an increase in anxiety ********* *** ***** ** **** ** increase in ***** depression *** an increase of ********* ********** ******* *** *** Put ***** Meeuwsen ** al 2019) Other ************* ******* presenting through ******** *** ********** rates ** ********* ******* *********** ******** ************ ******* ******** *** Substance *** ******** ******* important ********* abusing ******* ******* the social ****** of * ***** Research *** ***** those with substance ******* parents *** more ****** ** get teased ** ***** peers Withdrawal and reduced ****** ********** *** **** evident ** * human ******* ************ *** *** ** **** ** **** offset ***** negative **** ******* by ******* ******* **** *** ******** *** ******** to establish a **** ** *** *** ***** ** substance ***** ******* Van *** *** & ******** ** ** ***** The ***** ******* worker ***** **** ***** *** ***** how to ******** ****** ******* These ******** **** ** **** ********** from their ******* ***** creates ** unhealthy ************ relationship ** ***** ** ****** ************* those **** ********* abusing ******* *** more ****** ** grow up in ******* ***** can reduce ****** ******** (Assink Van *** Put ***** Meeuwsen ** ** ***** ***** who live ** * lower socioeconomic ****** *** ********** *********** ** ******* ***** *** ****** how *** ****** to ***** ********** Enhanced cognitive ******* *** ******* ********* *** *********** ******* of a ****** future ************* ***** ***** ** substance ******* parents **** lower ********* ability and ********* ******** performance ***** ******** as lower scores ** *********** tests repeating grades ******* *** ********** ***** ***** Gross ****** ***** ***** ******** 2018) ******* who ***** substances are **** ****** ** ** ******** ** ***** ************ ********* resulting ** * ******** ** ******** *********** (Ryan et ** ***** *********** ******** *** ***** ********* ********* **** ** ****** skills memory ****** *** IQ level decrease when one is ****** ** * ********* abusing ****** (Tedgård ******* & ******** ***** **** **** ***** **** ** ** ********** ** **** **** account *** bi-directional ******* *** ***** ***** **** ********* ***** ****** lower ********* ****** and decreased ******** *********** ******* *** ***** also ***** **** low ********* ability *** *** ******** *********** are causes of substance ***** Interventions can help ****** *** ****** ** ******** impacts ** ***** children An ***** diagnosis ** **** *** can **** get a **** start ** *** services needed for *** ****** *** ******** ********* & *********** ***** *********** ***** ** life *** still have * ******** ****** ** a ***** ************* on older ******** **** **** ******* if **** ****** * specific ******** ** the ***** ********* & *********** 2018) Examples ******* ********** counseling group counseling *********** ******** ********* ********* abuse and ********* ****** ******* ****************** To this end ******* *** help of ******** advocacy *** ********* society ** becoming ************ ***** ** *** ******** ******* ** ********* ******* ******* *** have upon their ******** ******** *** ** affected ********** as **** ** *********** ********* ***** can ****** * ********* physical emotional behavioral ****** *** cognitive domains When *** ** **** of ***** ******* are ********** ******** ** ********* ******* ******* *** ******* *** be ******* ******* **** found **** ************* at *** stage have a ******** impact ** children ****** to ******** these ******** impacts *** go on ** ******* ***** ******* ********************* * *** *** *** * E ******** * * de **** * * **** * J Stams * J J ***** ***** * (2019) **** ******* *** ***** sexual ***** ************** A ************* review ************* ******** 145(5) ********* * ****** * ******* O ***** * Kolstad * ******** * * & ****** N * ****** *********** ** ***** **** supplementation ****** ********* **** *** **** of ******** ****** ** ******** ******* ** ************* ***** ** utero **** ********* ***** *************** * L ***** B * ******* * Veltman * * ******* B W ***** Van *** **** * ****** ********** *** functional ***** abnormalities ********** with ******** to ********* childhood ****** ********* * ********** ****** of ************ ******** Frontiers in ********** * 329Ibabe * & ******* * * ****** *** ************ ** ****** relationships to *************** violence ******* ** ****** ******** ***** 259-269Jääskeläinen * ******* M ******* * * ***** ********* * ****** ****** ********* *** ******* ********* *** ** ******** ** substance ******* parents: * longitudinal register‐based ***** ** * complete birth ****** **** ** **** **** and ******* ****** 35(6) ************** * ******* M * Klevens * ***** K * ***** **** * * ****** Adverse ********* experiences *** **** opportunities: ******** *** narrative Children and Youth ******** ****** ** *************** A * ***** McRae-Clark * ****** ********* ******** ** ********* ************* ************ ************* ********* ********* A ********** ****** ******* ** ********* Abuse Treatment 89 52-59Ryan * * Jacob * A ***** * ****** * E Moore * ***** ******** * ****** ***** exposure ** ***** ************ *** ******** ******** ***** ************ ***** *************** * Råstam M & Wirtberg * ****** An ********** **** substance-abusing ******** Experiences ** parentification *** ************* ************* Nordic Studies onAlcohol *** ***** 36(3) *******