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Summarize the key ideas from each theory, and explain why and how these theoretical views compliment and contrast each other.

Erikson – Psychosocial  vs Piaget  -Cognitive

Summarize the key ideas from each theory, and explain why and how these theoretical views compliment and contrast each other.

Include your thoughts as to which theoretical approaches seem to make the most sense to you when thinking about development from birth to death and how they contribute to developmental processes.

Support your responses with peer reviewed research. 

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******* *** ************ ** ****** ************* Erik ******* concept ** ************* *********** ** one ** *** famous ******* ** ********** **** ************ **** ***** *** ***** ****** of ****** ******* ***** ** ******** **** people went through *** crisis at **** stage ** **** **** ***** *** * growth-related **** ** ** understood ** which ******* ** ****** may **** *** individual ** **** *********** ** ************ when *********** *** same ********* ** *** ****** ********* **** ******* creates * ******* ******* *** social ***** and *** ********** ***** ********** ******** *** throw *** ****** off balanceThe first stage ** life ****** ****** ******* ***** *** ********** ** fully ********* on the ******* ** ********** ** this stage *** person *** ** ******* ***** ******* ** ********** **** ******* an *********** environment ***** ********* ****** emotionally ***** for the ***** ** a child **** through **** ***** with **** *** ******* **** *** ******* ***** and this ** ******** ********** ** ***** ************ **** their ***** ********** *** *** ************ ********* or *********** *********** *** ******* feelings of ******** among *** children **** care *** ******* the ***** grows ** in fear *** ****** **** *** ***** ** ************* *** inconsistentThe ****** ***** of **** ****** **** *** ********** is ****** ************ ** ***** ***** ****** **** ***** *** ****** ******** ************* ** ***** Children ** **** ***** ***** ** ***** *** to do **** tasks ** ********** **** ******* ******* ********** *** being able ** ******* ***** ******** and ****** **** * ***** at **** ***** **** ** **** **** ***** *********** ******* are ***** they **** to become ******* on even menial ***** **** ** *** require *********** or guidance **** ******** ***** ******* ** or *** ** ***** **** ***** ****** decisions even later in life; *** ****** can **** **** ** the ******** ** others ** ******** **** ****** *********** albeit ***** ******** ** ****** ***** **** **** ******* ******** ** **** *** must develop * ******* ******** ******* ***** independent and *************** so ** ** develop ********** ** their *** to *** tasksAn ********** ***** *** virtue of purpose at *** third ***** of psychosocial *********** ***** they **** ***** *** ** **** *********** *** ****** **** to completion ** **** ****** ******** **** ********** roles and **** decisions *** cooperate ** **** ** a ***** ** ***** ***** ** ** *** ********* *** tasks ************ ************* their *********** or ******** **** ***** direct ********* ** ******* to ******* **** stage ******* ** ***** *** ********** *** ******* ***** *** **** **** the ******* ** start * ******* *** complete it ****************** *** ****** ***** ** *********** *** *** individual develops competence ** *** *** ** around **** and * **** ***** to ****** years according to **** *** conflict **** *** individual faces ** **** level *** ** ****** ******* industry ** inferiority ***** a child **** ***** *** to **** ********* The person ****** ** develop * ***** ** ***** ** ***** *************** *** ********* Children ** **** stage who *** ********** ** ***** ********* ** ******* **** ** **** * ****** in ***** skills **** handling ******* ***** ***** ***** *** ******* little or no ************* **** ******* ** **** ***** **** to **** ******** and **** ***** their abilityAdolescence comes ** * **** **** the *********** *** ********* ***** ************ *** ********** * ***** of ******** ****** this ****** *** person must ******* ******** *** being true ** ******* *** *** ** **** ** ******** with ******* ** herself Here *** ***** gets ** learn *** **** **** ***** themselves *** be **** ** **** ***** ***** ************ It ** ********* that * ****** ******** through **** ************** ***** ***** **** ** the **** ***** **** *** ** ****** * ****** *********** themselves to ** able to **** *** right ********* ** **** practice ** the next ***** ** ** vital *** **** ** **** a ******* ****** *********** ***** ** * sense ** self ** ******* ******* ******* ** which *** ********** *** develop ************ ***** ***** *********** and confusion ***** ********** ** ********** *** ********** ***** **** * young ***** ** or she ***** the ********* of ******* love As a young adult *** ****** *** ******* close *********** with ********** and ***** **** those ** *** ******** *** **** ** the ***** ***** ****** *** *********** personal *********** ***** who *** ********** ** this ******** will ******* *********** **** are committed *** secure ***** ***** *** ********* * **** ***** ** **** ****** stage * *** tend ** **** **** ********* relationships and *** **** likely to ** ******* ********* *********** ********* and ** some **** ***** **************** middle adulthood *** individual is ******** ** **** a family or ** least **** **** ******** ** **** ****** ****** care ** ***** ones ******** ********* *** generativity ** *** individual *** ****** **** ** ****** ****** ***** ** ******* ******** to and guiding ******** ****** who ****** ******** are ********** ** ***** ******* *** ** provide * home *** the **** and raising **** ** ** a ****** ********** *********** Adults *** **** to achieve **** *** *** up ******* ************ *** ********** in anyone’s life *** ************ **** up ***** **** ***** ***** *************** this ***** the individual ** of *** *** most ** not all of *** ******** ***** *** care are ******* independent *** may **** **** kids ** ***** *** **** stage is ***** *** individual develops ****** that can boost *** *** ********* ******* ** ***** *** ****** *** *** * feeling ** ******* ** this ***** *** person often ******** ** their ***** and ***** *** ************ **** ******* *** ***** ****** successfully end ** ******* ***** and ******* * ******* ** ********* ***** *** *** unsuccessful may **** **** * ***** *** *** ********** ******* which *** up ****** *** person feeling despair ***** they ****** **** *** **** *********** who **** ***** ******* all *** ****** successfully **** ****** ****** *** feel ********* **** **** the ******** ******** ** deathPiaget’s ****** ****** ** ********* *********** ***** ** explain *** mental model ** *** world from * ********* ***** ** view ****** did not ***** with *** ****** ** ***** **** calculations ***** *** ******* ******** ** a ***** ** ******* *** ********* *** ** was **** ********** ** **** in which *********** ******** like *** idea ** ******* **** *** ******** emerges ** ******** ** a ***** He ******** ********* *********** ** * process **** occurs *** ** *** child’s interaction **** *** *********** *** ********** ********** ********** ****** ***** **** young ******** think ** ********* **** ** ******** ** **************** ****** of ********* *********** ******* from ***** ********** ** **** ******** ***** *** theory ** ********* **** ******** rather **** ******** ** *** **** ****** ** ******* **** ** *********** ****** **** ******** **** ** ***** ******** are heritable programmed into ******** when **** *** **** *** example sucking: A kid **** suck ** ******** **** touches his/her **** clench ** *** object **** ******* *** palm of *** hands and **** to **** any object **** ***** ****** *** cheeks *** child ** **** ******* *** ** ***** ** ***** ********** ******** *** *** not ***** them anywhere ********** ****** **** ******** that active ******** ** **** ****** *** children to ***** how to develop ***** ******* *** ****** **** * process is ***** ** ************ where *** ***** ******* *** ****** ** ******* **** * ********** ******** ****** ** example is **** * child refers ** ** *** man **** a bald **** **** a ***** his ****** then corrects him ** ******* *** child that clowns **** ***** ******** *** ***** ***** ***** With **** new *********** *** child assimilates *** ****** accordingly *** ********* *********** *** ********** Assimilation *** ***** ** update of a ****** ** **** ****** * *** schema with similar ********* ** *** ***** this ******* ********* *********** in ******** *********** ***** ******* *** ******* ******* aspects **** ***** ********** **** ** this ****** is to describe the ********* *** *** ********* ** ***** *** kid ******** **** ** ********** who *** ****** and ***** plausibly *** ********** Piaget ********* **** there *** ***** ****** ** ********* *********** *** ***** ***** ***** ************ **** occurs ******* **** the child is **** to *** *** ***** ** **** stage the child is capable of identifying object ********** ****** ********** is *** ability ** **** **** ** ****** ** permanent *** does not ***** ******* it ** in **** *** child ** capable ** ******* **** ** object still exists even **** ****** This is ******** **** a ***** cries when * *** ** ***** **** **** *** ****** most animals ** *** portray **** characteristic *** **** *** ********** **** ** ****** *** been ****** *** second ***** ** ****** *** *************** ****** ***** a ***** can ***** ** something ************ *** **** *** object ********* ******* *************** stage ****** ******* age * to 7The ***** ***** ** ***** ** the real *********** ***** and ******* when *** ***** is ******* * – 11 ***** *** ****** the real functional ***** *** ***** ** ********** ** ******* out ******** ********** ** ******** ******* having ** *** it out ********** *** ***** ***** ** * ****** *********** ***** ***** ****** ******* adolescence *** ********* ****** **** ***** *** child is ******* ** ****** ** with ******** ******** understanding ******** ******* and ********* ******* *** ******************** ****** ** ********* development has **** deemed ******* ** ***** applied ** ******** and ******** ** schools *** prove very ****** ** *** ******* understanding of child *********** ** **** transition **** *** ***** ** the next ******* his ****** ***** criticism **** some scientists *** ******* **** ***** are ** stages ** *********** ****** *********** ** a ********** ******* **** ********* ***** *** ******** of *********** put ***** ** ******* *** Piaget we *** ** ********** *** nature of development of ******** *** how ***** *********** *** ** improved These *** theories use phases ** ***** *** *********** ******* into ******** stages ** ******** ********* ****** ***** **** *** *********** ** a human being **** ***** ** **** **** **** *** *** ******* *** while ******** theory **** ******** around *** *********** ** ******** **** ***** ** ********* **** **** noteworthy ** point out **** Erikson's ****** ** *********** is highly ********* ** social interactivity ** *** ********** ***** ** ******** ********* *********** ****** ******* development as touch in infants are *** **** consideration *** **** the ******* ******* is **** ** ********* *** most References * ************ ****** STUDYBLUE Retrieved * **** **** from https://wwwstudybluecom/notes/note/n/human-development-piaget-and-erikson/deck/186631662 ********** * ***** ******* ** Pioneers ** *********** A ******* New ***** ** ******* 20123 ******** ** A Topical Approach to Lifespan *********** **** ed) *** ***** McGraw-Hill; 20164 Piaget * *** ********* ****** GruberHE; ******* ** *** *** York: Basic Books; ********

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**** **** ****** *** ************ **** ******* ******** **** the development ** * ***** ** ** a predetermined ***** Piaget ******* on the ********* development *** he concentrated ** *** ******** **** *** * ***** has ********** and **** ********* effects ** their ***** ** ********

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