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Suppose we have a number of factories , located in different locations and each having a certain production capacity . The goods produced must be...

How can I determine which classes and which methods I need to create based on this description? What is the first step to start coding this program using Java?

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Problem DescriptionIn this assignment , we study the classic problem of transporting goods to places where they are indemand . Suppose we have a number of factories , located in different locations and each having a certainproduction capacity . The goods produced must be sent to warehouses that are also located around theworld and that , depending on demand , require a certain amount of goods . This problem is usuallyrepresented by a table .Warehouse AWarehouse BWarehouse [ProductionDemand !401201(15Factory 1( 85)($ 10 )Factory ?($7)($1 1)($1 1)401Factory 3501158)1:$12 )The above table contains the number of units produced by each factory and requested by eachwarehouse . The numbers in parentheses indicate the cost of transporting & unit from a factory to awarehouse . The problem is to find out how many goods are to be sent to each warehouse from eachfactory in order to minimize transportation costs . Note that we consider here the case where supply anddemand are balanced .This problem can be solved in different ways . In this assignment , you must use the solution describedhere , which proceeds in two steps : is the first step is to find an initial solution then ii ) in the second step .the optimal solution is found by iteratively improving the current solution until an optimal solution isreached .Step 1: Minimum Cell Cost MetlindThe principle is simple , goods are first allocated through the least expensive route . In the example*above , this is the route from Factory ] to Warehouse A.
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