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Suppose you are a negotiator in a high profile government contract deal. Assess the power of your position if you were to remove an offer that you...

Suppose you are a negotiator in a high profile government contract deal. Assess the power of your position if you were to remove an offer that you current have on the table. Explain the strength of this gambit, and provide at least two (2) examples of the gambit in action to support your rationale.

You are experiencing a stalemate in a negotiation with a client on a price for services that your company is offering to the U.S. government. Specify the main reasons why you would use a fictitious “bad guy” gambit in withdrawing an offer from a negotiation. Next, examine the potential effect(s) that the withdrawal would have on the outcome of the negotiation. Provide two (2) examples of the potential effects to support your rationale.

Negotiation Gambit Suppose you are a negotiator in a high profile government contract deal. Assess the powerof your position if you were to remove an offer that you current have on the table....
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