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Task 1. Please find a solution and provide meaningful comments. Company plans to increase production to 100 ths of items at the cost 239 USD per item...

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Task 1. Please find a solution and provide meaningful comments.Company plans to increase production to 100 ths of items at the cost 239 USD per item and selling priceof 305 USD. There are two projects of technology use for 5 years:1 st assumes purchase of the license on the following conditions: lump payment is 970 ths USD, purchaseof hardware is 690 ths USD, costs for setting the production 189 ths USD. Product release starts on the secondyear of project implementation.2n one assumes costs for research and development in the amount of 500 ths USD (1st year of theproject), purchase of hardware - 380 ths USD (2nd year of the project), costs for setting the production 75 thsUSD (2nd year of the project). Product release starts on the third year of project implementation, depreciation isaccrued steadily in equal parts (term of depreciation is 4 years), income tax 18%, discount rate - 16 %Questions:1. To define more beneficial alternative.2. Give comments to calculations.Task 2. Please find a solution and provide meaningful comments.Foreign company plans to buy the license of local invention. This new technology allows to achieveproduction 17,2 ths of items a year with the savings of 64 USD per 1 item, investment into technologyimplementation is 910 ths USD. License term is 5 years, it takes 1 year a licensee to implement newtechnology. Ukrainian licensor calculated its costs for preparation and sale of the license at the amount 875 thsUAH, royalty - 24% of licensee's profit. Discount rate 18%. Exchange rate 1 USD = 27 UAH (hryvna).Questions:1. To calculate the efficiency of license purchase.2. Give comments to calculations.Task 3. Please find a solution and provide meaningful comments.To evaluate the efficiency of license sale to 3 licensees with the consideration of the following data anddefine the best alternative for licensor:ValuesBC4License validity, yearsAverage yearly volume of production, ths of items275,00246,00375,00Forecasted average yearly price, $ per item86,00117,00129,0026%26%26%Licensor's income, % of net profitDiscount rate, %15%15%15%Licensor's costs for sale of license, ths $45,0077,00115,00Product profitability, %18%23%19%Task 4. Please find a solution and provide meaningful comments.To evaluate the efficiency of license sale with the consideration of the following data and define the bestalternative for licensor:Values110Selling price $Product profitability, %21Volume of production (yearly, for first 4 years), items12780Alternative 1:Licensor's income, % of net profit25Alternative 2:Licensor's income, % of sales614Discount rate, %
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