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The blog need to demonstrate insight into the technologies mentioned below, and understanding of where they can be applied, their strengths and weaknesses, issues to consider in terms of deployment an

The blog need to demonstrate insight into the technologies mentioned below, and understanding of where they can be applied, their strengths and weaknesses, issues to consider in terms of deployment and how a business case for their use could be built.  

There will be 5 topics 1. Virtue Reality /Augmented Reality 2. 3D printing 3. Artificial intelligent 4. Internet of Things  5. Block Chain.

500 words each for a total of 2500 words. It is important that you create a narrative to connect them all together and that there is a flow to your submission. FLOW is important!!!!!

Make sure there is a theme to your blog. A theme is like a topic. 

The attachment is the articles you can use and cite from. Use at least one article for each technology. You are more than welcome to find your own resources to support your theme and things you want to talk about in your blog. 

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