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The democratization of politics in the 1820s was the result of all of the following except A) the extension of franchise to women. B) the removal of...

1.The democratization of politics in the 1820s was the result of all of the following exceptA) the extension of franchise to women.B) the removal of property requirements for voting.C) the popular election of most offices.D) the development of modern political parties.2.The fundamental purpose behind South Carolina's nullification of the federal tariff of 1828 was toA) check federal power before it could be used to abolish slavery.B) force the government to back down and repeal the tariff.C) strengthen the popularity of the Democrats in the South.D) forge a political alliance with northern manufacturers.3.All of the following reasons explain Anglo American desires for Indian removal except toA) protect Indians from alcohol devastation.B) protect Indians from financial exploitation.C) possess Indian land.D) erode traditional Indian cultures.4.Which of the following Indian nations was forced to give up lands by Andrew Jackson?A) PequotB) CreekC) SeminoleD) Iroquois5.All of the following describe Cherokee society in the 1820s except thatA) they had partially assimilated to Anglo American ways of living.B) some Cherokee owned large amounts of property.C) the Cherokee refused to own African American slaves.D) many mixed blood peoples existed.6.Which of the following Indian men perfected a Cherokee system of writing?A) Chief BlackhawkB) John RidgeC) Sitting BullD) Sequoyah7.What status did the Supreme Court decision in Cherokee Nation v. Georgia affix to Indian people?A) domestic dependent nationsB) full citizens of the United StatesC) slaves of AmericaD) indentured servants of the southern states8.As president, John Quincy Adams's support of the American System led to his backing all of the following exceptA) Indian removal from lands desired by white settlers.B) government support of internal improvements.C) protective tariffs for manufacturing.D) a national bank to stabilize currency and promote economic growth.9.In the election of 1828, Andrew Jackson drew support from all of the following groups exceptA) western settlers.B) northeastern manufacturers.C) urban workers.D) southern farmers.10.Which group seemed to support the tariff of 1828?A) northeastern manufacturersB) southern plantersC) southern yeomen farmersD) African American slaves11.One criticism of political democracy from Alexis de Tocqueville's Democracy in America was thatA) the best people were seldom chosen to lead.B) it was too restrictive.C) property should not be the qualification for voting..D) it excluded immigrants like himself from voting.12.Jackson's practice of appointing loyal members of his party to public offices became known asA) the caucus system.B) the spoils system.C) patronage.D) rotation in office.13.President Jackson vetoed the rechartering of the Second BankA) to undermine the interests of "special privilege" and monopoly.B) to promote his "pet banks" at the state level.C) and justified his choice with a masterful public statement that led to his victory in the 1832 election.D) because he believed it was financially reckless and unstable.14.Andrew Jackson's legacy included all of the following exceptA) he increased the power of the presidency.B) he reversed the Marshall Court and its defense of federal power and monopoly property rights.C) he weakened the Union and advocated states' rights.D) he made the political system more democratic.15.President Jackson strengthened the presidency when he did all of the following exceptA) defy the Supreme Court regarding the Cherokees.B) replace public officeholders with his supporters.C) use the federal government to construct roads, increase tariffs, and establish a national bank.D) threaten to use the federal army against South Carolina.Ralph Waldo Emerson encouraged listeners and readers to seek transcendence to a higher reality because he wanted them toA) experience an evangelical Christian conversion experience.B) join moral reform movements for temperance, maintain the Sabbath, and support the abolition of slavery.C) celebrate individualism and energize the American spirit.D) seek individual wealth through hard work.2.Urban popular culture was based onA) upper class professional attempts to extend elite culture to the white working class.B) the thousands of young rural people who flocked to the city in search of fortune and adventure.C) Native American and Asian American interactions in cities.D) the immigration of thousands of British people to the United States.3.All of the following describe the urban sex scene in New York City in the early 1800s exceptA) men and women engaged in serial dating until they found an ideal mate.B) men and women dressed in the latest fashions to enhance their allure.C) a homosexual subculture did not exist.D) men and women were freed from parental oversight.4.Free blacks in the North sought to encourage emancipation and race equality through all of the following exceptA) the bribing of southern slaveholders.B) stressing temperance and education for free blacks.C) justifying violent slave revolts.D) encouraging legal resistance.5.Between 1836 and 1844, the federal government responded to abolition byA) limiting the debate in Congress of antislavery petitions.B) supporting the abolitionists' mail campaign.C) passing antislavery legislation.D) outlawing slavery in the District of Columbia.6.The most common response of white Americans to the abolition movement wasA) their signing of petitions in support of abolition.B) their refusing to pay taxes out of civil disobedience in order to attain the emancipation of slaves.C) violence against abolitionists.D) opposition to the movement.7.William Lloyd Garrison's insistence on broadening the abolitionist agenda split the organization by pushing out those whoA) did not support women's rights.B) did not support violent slave rebellions.C) did not want to promote race-mixing.D) wanted African colonization.8.Moral reform was primarily a women's movement toA) end prostitution.B) restrict the consumption of alcohol.C) enforce Sabbath rules.D) work for antislavery.9.Conversations on Common Things (1824) was written byA) Margaret Fuller.B) Elizabeth Cady Stanton.C) Sarah Grimk.D) Dorothea Dix.10.An early public education reformer wasA) Nat Turner.B) David Walker.C) Horace Mann.D) William Lloyd Garrison.11.All of the following are true regarding women teachers and public education in the mid-1800s exceptA) most teachers were men by the 1850s.B) women were considered morally superior to men as teachers.C) women were paid lower salaries than men as teachers.D) local school boards favored women teachers over men.12.Emerson's ideas most closely resembledA) Garrison's abolitionism.B) Charles Grandison Finney's "moral free agency."C) John Humphrey Noyes's complex marriage.D) the Shakers' communalism.13.In 1835, in Charleston, South Carolina, a mob attacked a post office for what reason?A) Native Americans were using the post office.B) Abolitionist pamphlets were being delivered by the post office.C) Women were hired as postmasters.D) Mormon literature was being distributed by the post office.14.Herman Melville came to the conclusion that extreme individualism led toA) transcendence.B) a mystical relationship with nature.C) a preoccupation with material goods.D) madness and death.15.Brook Farm failed in large part because itA) attracted intellectuals with few practical skills.B) promoted leisure.C) failed economically.D) was attacked by antiabolitionists.16.Margaret Fuller's greatest contribution to transcendental philosophy was herA) belief that men and women were equally capable of transcendence.B) editing of the journal, the Dial.C) transcendentalist treatise, Leaves of Grass.D) work on the Seneca Falls Declaration.17.Ideas that the Shakers supported include all of the following exceptA) celibacy.B) abstention from alcohol.C) complex marriage.D) abstention from politics and war.18.Arthur Brisbane promoted the concepts of cooperative work and the phalanx inA) Walden, or Life in the Woods.B) "The American Scholar."C) the Dial.D) The Social Destiny of Man.19.Perfectionists believed that freedom from sin was possibleA) if people isolated themselves from society.B) if people practiced celibacy.C) because the Second Coming of Christ had already occurred.D) for communities that practiced group ownership of property.20.The Mormon practice of polygamyA) was opposed by some within their church as well as non-Mormon Christians outside it.B) was an example of their desire to achieve perfection.C) represented their attempt to reject patriarchal authority.D) created a strong wave of support for Mormons from other communitarian religions1.The New South in the early 1800s was characterized byA) a high geographical mobility and a desire to make the West into a slave society.B) a faith in European immigration to improve southern industry.C) a desire to confine slavery to the Old South.D) a mania for speculation in northern industry.2.In which of the following ways did the federal government not restrict free black people?A) denial of U.S. passportB) prohibition against working for the postal serviceC) prohibition against claiming public landsD) prohibition against living in the northern states3.The domestic slave trade wasA) not a major factor in the expansion of slavery.B) a system that exported blacks back to Africa.C) the transportation and economic system that brought black slaves to the New South.D) an improvement in the lives of African American slaves.4.The federal government played a major role in the expansion of slavery to the New South through all of the following ways exceptA) removing Native Americans from the southeastern states in the 1830s.B) annexing Texas and Mexican territories in the 1840s.C) securing Louisiana from the French in 1803.D) investing in railroads and other industrial development projects in the 1810s.5.The domestic slave trade impacted African America families byA) destroying one in four slave marriages.B) reducing African American vulnerability as the property of whites.C) bringing African Americans into closer contact with African families.D) reuniting families sold into slavery in the Old South.6.The gang system of slave labor in the New South was characterized byA) planters assigning random jobs to slaves and allowing them to work at their own pace.B) large work crews supervised by a black driver and a white overseer to work on plantations.C) close supervision by the master planter class directly in the plantation fields.D) the avoidance of whipping of black slaves as an incentive to work harder.7.All of the following are examples of passive resistance exceptA) slave rebellion.B) feigning illness.C) losing or breaking tools.D) non-compliance with orders.8.Where did most free southern blacks live?A) in coastal citiesB) in the rural countrysideC) on islands off the coastD) within inland cities9.Free blacks faced all of the following dangers exceptA) Indian massacre.B) being kidnapped and sold.C) being legally forced back into slavery.D) denial of a jury trial.10.Which of the following free black men headed the African Methodist Episcopal Church (AMEC)?A) Paul CuffeeB) Joshua JohnstonC) Richard AllenD) Benjamin BannekerIn response to the secession of six states before he became president, Abraham LincolnA) joined John J. Crittenden in his effort to forge a compromise in early 1861.B) stood firm in his commitment to the Union and left little room for negotiation with the secessionists.C) was ambiguous and uncertain, thus contributing to fears that the secessionists would succeed.D) responded to President Buchanan's request to seek a compromise by doing nothing.Abraham Lincoln's Ten Percent Plan for ReconstructionA) strictly followed the Constitution's direction for readmitting states to the Union.B) could only remain in effect while the war progressed; occupation by Union troops was necessary to uphold martial law.C) adhered to the majority of northern congressional leaders' desires for rebuilding the South.D) offered general amnesty to all but high-ranking Confederates willing to pledge loyalty to the Union; when 10 percent of a state's voters took this oath, the state would be restored to the Union.2.Republican policies in the South emphasizedA) creating an economic system based on cotton sharecropping.B) returning power to southern whites.C) modernizing and democratizing southern institutions.D) lowering taxes.3.Ex-Confederates and conservative whites across the South responded to Republican Reconstruction with all of the following exceptA) race riots.B) Ku Klux Klan terrorist activity against blacks and Republicans.C) attempting to regain confiscated lands.D) support for Republican governments and their new version of the South.4.Republican governments across the South fell one by one to Democrats in the mid-1870s primarily becauseA) they were unable to diversify agricultural production and were voted out of office.B) ex-Confederate politicians, using terrorism, silenced the black and Republican vote.C) they lost the support of northern politicians.D) black politicians were unable to lead effectively.5.Klan leader Nathan Bedford Forrest was best known during the Civil War for commanding southern troops who committed a massacre of black Union troops atA) Vicksburg.B) Fort Pillow.C) Shiloh.D) Fort Sumter.6.All of the following are true regarding ex-slaves and education in the South during Reconstruction exceptA) blacks of all ages rushed to newly established schools.B) some schools charged tuition to freedmen and women.C) the Republican Party disapproved of education for freedmen and women.D) few black children attended school in Mississippi, Florida, and South Carolina.7.African Americans constituted a majority in the lower legislature in which of the following states in 1868?A) TennesseeB) South CarolinaC) KentuckyD) Virginia8.In the postwar struggle for land in the South between ex-Confederates and former slaves,A) some black families in South Carolina acquired land, but ex-Confederates had most of the confiscated lands restored to them.B) freedmen acquired about half the land across the South as sharecroppers.C) freedmen acquired extensive tracts of land through the Southern Homestead Act.D) blacks were given land in exchange for labor on their old plantations.9.Under President Andrew Johnson, high-ranking Confederate military officers could regain their property and win amnesty byA) taking an oath of allegiance to the Union.B) accepting the Union's wartime acts, including the abolition of slavery.C) petitioning the president personally.D) supporting African American suffrage.10.Congress passed the Fourteenth Amendment toA) end slavery.B) forbid the states from denying any citizen the right to vote.C) embarrass President Johnson.D) provide constitutional protection for African American civil rights.11.Johnson's opposition to the Fourteenth Amendment succeeded inA) helping the Republicans to win an overwhelming majority in Congress.B) defeating the Radical Republicans' efforts in Congress.C) uniting conservative Republicans with northern Democrats.D) bringing about his impeachment.12.Andrew Johnson was impeached as president on the charge that heA) was a traitor to his party.B) had overstepped his powers when he instituted his own version of Reconstruction in 1865.C) had condoned violations of the civil rights of blacks by allowing ex-Confederates back into the government and thus violated his presidential oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.D) had engaged in misconduct and infringement on the powers of Congress.13.The odds were stacked against freedmen sharecroppers primarily becauseA) farms were too small to make a profit.B) they had to borrow money to survive until their first crop came in, but the returns on cotton production were too low to pay off their debts.C) sharecroppers moved around frequently, thus adding to their costs.D) landlords and merchants illegally charged high interest rates and increased prices.14.Dissenting Republicans, who voted to acquit President Johnson of criminal misconduct, did so becauseA) Johnson was clearly not guilty of the charge.B) removal of a president over a policy dispute would be a dangerous precedent.C) they believed that the country needed a strong presidency.D) a powerful executive was necessary to conduct foreign policy.15.Republicans in the South were composed of a coalition ofA) northern army officers, southern ex-slaveholders, and southern blacks.B) former Whigs, a few former Democrats, newcomers from the North, and African Americans.C) Irish and German immigrants.D) northern blacks, southern Democrats, and abolitionists.2.During the war, the federal governmentA) became more committed to states' rights.B) grew in power and centralized authority.C) went out of its way to honor civil rights.D) faced no opposition from the northern population.3.The most important reason Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation was that heA) wanted to fulfill the move toward free soil that he had promised in 1860.B) felt that the people needed a higher goal at the core of Union policy to motivate them to fight.C) wanted to allow contrabands to fight for the Union.D) agreed with Frederick Douglass that the war was a struggle to end slavery.4.The Union movement toward emancipation was precipitated byA) moral objections to slavery in the North.B) Lincoln's belief that emancipation was a military necessity.C) the desire of the North to punish the South.D) escaped slaves fleeing across Union lines.5.The Democratic response to emancipation was toA) condemn it as being unconstitutional.B) support it as being a military necessity.C) back Lincoln despite objections to emancipation.D) call for a more expansive abolition of slavery.6.In Lincoln's mind, the Emancipation ProclamationA) changed the war into a war of subjugation and destruction of the Old South.B) was of no military importance.C) was needed in order to defeat his Democratic opponents in the North.D) would be reversed as soon as the war ended.7.African American slaves who escaped across Confederate lines to Union military camps in mid-1861 were known by the federal government asA) insurrectionists.B) radical Republicans.C) official enlistees.D) contrabands.8.The victory of which political party in 1860 threatened southern whites?A) DemocratB) WhigC) GreenD) Republican9.The Union collapsed first in which of the following states?A) South CarolinaB) North CarolinaC) MississippiD) Georgia10.Which of the following southern cities did U.S. Admiral David Farragut capture in 1862?A) MobileB) New OrleansC) CharlestonD) Washington, DC11.What battle induced the Confederacy to institute a draft?A) Bull RunB) GettysburgC) ShilohD) Vicksburg12.The federal military installation attacked by the South at the start of the Civil War in 1861 wasA) Fort Laramie.B) Fort Sumter.C) Fort Knox.D) Fort Benning.13.How high a price did a southern substitute draftee fetch by the end of the Civil War?A) $300B) $50C) $1,000D) $5,00014.All of the following states in the Upper South stayed in the Union exceptA) Kentucky.B) Virginia.C) Maryland.D) Missouri.15.Lincoln and his advisors formulated a war strategy that called for them toA) wage a defensive war.B) do nothing until they needed to.C) play it by ear and respond to Confederate military action as it occurred.D) launch an aggressive military campaign against the Confederacy and end the conflict with a quick victory.16.Secession came earliest in statesA) closest to the North.B) bordering the Atlantic Ocean.C) with the highest concentration of slaves.D) with the lowest concentration of slaves.17.To wage total war, the U.S. federal government did all of the following exceptA) enact a military draft.B) pass an Alien and Sedition Act to arrest and imprison critics of the government.C) support the construction of railroads.D) tax businesses and citizens.18.In the South, women worked as civil servants in theA) War Department.B) treasury.C) Tredegar Iron Works.D) postal service.19.Northern immigrants in New York City turned to violence over the draft because theyA) did not believe in the cause of the Union.B) agreed with secession.C) feared the potential presence of freed slaves.D) did not have the money to hire substitutes.20.To provide income to fund the war effort, the Confederacy relied uponA) French aid.B) immigrant workers.C) King Cotton.D) writs of habeas corpus.

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