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The Figure below (Figure 3) shows a pipe system with a valve and two reservoirs. A pump transports a constant flow rate of Q = 0.1 m'/s of water from...

The Figure below (Figure 3) shows a pipe system with a valve and two reservoirs. A pumptransports a constant flow rate of Q = 0.1 m'/s of water from reservoir A to reservoir B. Atfour sections the pipe has bends and the roughness of the pipe is ka = 1.5 mm. The pipe hasa diameter D = 34 cm and a total length L = 500 m. The water level in reservoir B is 4h =4,67m above the water level in reservoir A (Figure 3, Top).Reservoir APumpAPE5:00 m longk.15 mmNot to scaleDiameter . 34 cmLossKHPeepeRee40%%50%%70%%80%%Half open10%%Fully openFigure 3 (Top) Side view of the pipe system; (Bottom) Loss coefficients (KI.) for valve.Complete the following:a) Sketch the pipeline system and draw in the total head line and the hydraulic grade line. Highlightthe sections with local losses. [6 marks]b) Using the provided diagram with loss coefficients for the valve (Figure 3, Bottom), calculate therequired head of the pump in the pipeline system if the valve is fully open. You can assume local losscoefficients of the bends and at the inlet to be KBend - 0.5 and Kinlet - 0.5 respectively. [9 marks]c) Assuming that the flow in the pipe system is fully developed, sketch the velocity profile of a pipeIcross-section in your exam booklet (with the white pages) including the maximum and mean flowvelocities. No calculations are required. [4 marks]d) Assuming that the flow in the pipe system is fully developed, calculate the viscous sublayerthickness 53, Use the pipe and discharge parameters provided above. [6 marks]
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